Chapter 1

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People automatically assume High-school crushes are hormones or foolish young love. At this point most would agree, though there are those exceptional stories… or at least Roxas hopes his is exceptional.

But a lot of things stand in his way from a beautiful ball in a grand mansion with a talking teapot or a magnificent ride though the world on a magic carpet. No, those things are a still a long way from where Roxas stands now. The obstacles in his way are too big to fall and too long to go around, he’s just waiting for a way to get through them.

One said obstacle was his sexuality; Roxas had always known that he was more interested in guys rather than girls. Though this wasn’t a problem for him and his friends, he still had his doubts whether his crush would return the feelings or not. And he wasn’t about to let him know anytime soon because he was unsure and extremely scared at what he would say. Would he reject him? Would he spread the fact that he was gay around the school? So he stayed where he was… not interacting with one of the most popular kids at school.

Another obstacle was a certain sandy haired jerk who had the time of his life tormenting Roxas for what he was worth. Seifer was certainly a guy you wouldn’t want to mess with, especially when his lackeys: Fuu, Rai and Vivi are involved. But Roxas was usually protected by his friends like Axel or the occasional Hayner when he wasn’t cowering in the corner with him.

Though these walls stand in the way between him and his crush; he always valued and loved his life. He had great friends, an amazing family and a great lifestyle. Even with the lack of parents, his older brother Cloud seemed to be able to pull them through. His wife Tifa also seemed to be there for Roxas and his twin Ventus, she loved them like they were her kids and they returned her affection with love of their own. Yup, life was good… but Roxas had to admit, it could have been better with Sora.

                “Now we’re gonna add some cayenne pepper to our fish! Oh you smell that? That’s a little slice of heaven right there now!” exclaimed the southern chef gesturing to her roasted salmon. Roxas followed her instructions to the letter but instead of getting the so-called “slice of heaven” he got a stench straight from hell. He sighed in defeat and discarded the burnt meal into the trash can that was already filled to the brim with previous mistakes. At this point, Ven and him are probably going to starve before he could actually make them a meal. Oh why did Tifa and Cloud have to go to some high-school reunion?

                He opted for a simpler option, he reached into the bottom drawer under the marble counter and retrieved two insta-cook noodles and began preparing them. As he poured the contents of the tiny packets he heard feet running up the stairs which was closely followed by a slam, obviously a door. Curiosity over-whelmed Roxas and he began to investigate the reason behind the sounds. He walked upstairs and opened the first door on the right of the beige hallway, Ventus’s room.

                In it was a sight he always despised to see, Ven sobbing mercilessly into his pillow with his arms draped over the sides of his green queen sized bed. Roxas walked over to his pillow buried twin and put his hand of Ventus’s shoulder and began rubbing it soothingly and comfortingly. Ven was surprised by the sudden touch but didn’t fight it, because he needed someone there with him right now. He looked up at his brother, tears still running down his pale cheeks and hugged him tightly, letting the liquid on his face wet the back of Roxas’s shirt. Roxas hugged back and began to rock back and forth while humming a rather comforting tune.

                “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” asked Roxas softly. Ventus nodded, but said nothing for another few minutes, waiting for the sobs to go down before he began.

                “Va…Van...i…tas” He sobbed and though his words were chopped up, Roxas understood. He clenched his fist at the name of his brother’s bully. He had Seifer to make life miserable but he had protectors, Ven had no one. His friends Aqua and Terra were busy with senior year to always be there. He felt truly sorry for his brother, he wanted to punch Vanitas’s lights out though he would never over-power the black haired teen.

                “What did he do Ven? Tell me,” Ventus shook his head and buried himself deeper in his brother’s neck, his tears now staining Roxas’s skin. With much time spent cooing and back-patting, he finally persuaded him to recollect what had happened to him.

                “We…Well he took thi…this…” Ven got off the bed as it greeted good-bye with a creak. He wearily walked over to his dark green bag and slowly took out a dark blue colored notebook. “An…and showed it…to…too everyone in…in my class…” he explained dejectedly, looking away from his brother and evidently missing the confused stare he was being given.

                “What is it?” questioned Roxas as he sat up to retrieve to book only to have it defensively kept away.

                “It’s… my… journal…” Ventus admitted, keeping the book from his twin’s sight like his gaze could suddenly make the book leave his grasp.

                “Like a diary?”

                “No! It’s a journal!”

                “Fine! Calm down Ven,” Roxas exclaimed, but soon realized his mistake when he saw the hurt in Ven’s eyes. “I’m sorry.”

                Ven nodded and hid his book underneath his mattress, which Roxas noted, and turned back to his brother. “Thanks for all your help Rox. I really appreciate it,” he hugged his brother again but instead of a sullen embrace, it was a grateful one.

                “Oh I’m not done yet!” announced Roxas. Ventus pulled away and looked at his brother, wondering what else his wonderful twin would do for him. “I’m going to make him pay for doing this to you.”

                Worry cast over Ven’s face, “Why?” though he already knew the answer.

                “That ass thinks they can push around a Strife and get away? I don’t think so!” with that, Roxas turned heel, and made his way to the front door only to be beaten by his twin.

                “No! Don’t do that! You might just make it worse! Please don’t!” begged Ventus, shielding the wooden oak door from Roxas. Roxas smirked at his brother before pulling him off and making a run for his car. He could hear Ven’s panting breaths behind him but he was still faster than him from joining the cross-country club. He got in and drove off, he had known where Vanitas had lived for a while because this wasn’t the first time he had to visit his home for Ven.

                He parked his grey old car near their house and marched up to the white home of the black haired devil. He knocked harshly on the light brown door with the ornamental design and waited angrily for a reply.

                The door swung open. Greatly shocked was an understatement to what Roxas felt when he saw who had answered his call. Like a tidal wave it had hit him, with no warning and no way to escape. He stared at the one boy who he had liked for so long, despite the fact he has had probably less than 10 interactions with him in his life. Standing before him was Sora Fair.


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