Chapter 4

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The whole week seemed to be on fast forward for Roxas. Classes were a blurb, family life did not matter; all the care was placed on the Friday to come. And when the faithful day did come, it brought nervousness instead.


Period 1:

“Oh… I don’t know Axel… I mean what if I mess up again!” he complained.

                “You’ll be fine Rox… don’t worry about it,” his best friend comforted, patting him on the shoulder.

                “But what if I…”

                “What if you what?” interrupted Mr. Frollo, his glistening silver staff maintaining its position on the whiteboard.

                “Nothing sir,” Roxas quickly answered, looking back up at the old history teacher.

                “Hmph…idiot,” he muttered, going back to his rant on gypsies. For Roxas, the rest of the lesson was spent like any other, gawking at Sora.


Period 5:

“Roxas you need to calm down, I’m sure whatever you pick will be fine!” Naminé assured after Roxas’s question about clothing.

                “Could I at least tell you what I’m planning then you rate it good or bad?”


                “Great! I’m planning to wear my black sleeveless shirt with that white short sleeve shirt over it, then those black pants that go white twenty-five percent through. I think I still have your checker-board bracelet too, I bet that will go well with the outfit don’t you?”

                “Oh yes! I think you will look marvelous dear!” answered Mrs. Gothem, her fingers digging into his shoulder.


                “Don’t ever disrupt my class…again.”

                “Yes Mrs. Gothem,” Roxas said, wincing slightly as her sharp talons let go of his abused shoulder.

                “I like the outfit Rox, by the way you can keep the bracelet I won’t need it anymore,” whispered Naminé once the music teacher was out of hearing range.

                “Really? Thanks!” exclaimed Roxas a bit too loudly, causing the teacher to send him a quick glare. Roxas looked away, hoping to find Sora to commence the stare session.   


Period 7

“Come on… two more minutes then I can get out of here and then my date with Sora! Okay, I know it’s just some hang time with two guys but doesn’t hurt to pretend right? I just hope I don’t do anything stupid,” Thought the blonde boy, painfully casting his gaze away from his crush to watch the ever-so slowly ticking of the clock.

                “Alright, so the Great Wall of China rests along this line here and… oh it seems we’re out of time,” realized the hulking Geography teacher, Mr. Shan Yu.  Every student sighed in relief and began gathering their items. “Oh Yes! Before I forget…Sora!” he called out, pointing to the scared brunette who was currently putting his pencil away.

                “Ye-yes?” Sora stuttered, shrinking back into his blue chair as Shan Yu came closer.

                “How many days, did I give to complete the homework assignment?” he whispered menacingly.

                “O-one” the brunette answered. A flash of white could be seen then a loud smack as it vibrated around the room. On Sora’s desk stuck out a silver dagger, its edges curved randomly.

                “See me after class,” with that the teacher strolled back to his desk, and began writing something down.

                Sora looked at Roxas and mouthed, “I’ll meet you at the front gate,” the blonde nodded in understanding.


After school

The dirty water of the fountain flowed magnificently in its stone structure. The sound of fluid smashing against its walls filled the outdoor air. Roxas stood waiting for Shan Yu to finish chewing out his crush. He stared at the front door intently, awaiting his arrival. He did not notice the footsteps coming closer.

                “What’s up loser?” rudely greeted Seifer, accompanied by his three goons.

                “Leave me alone Seifer!”

                “Oh, looks like big bad Roxy forgot to use his manners today… what do you guys say we teach him a lesson?”

                “Agreed,” spoke Fuu, Rai and Vivi simultaneously. Fuu and Rai rushed up to Roxas before he could make a run for it and held both his arms in a spread eagle type hold.

                “This is for raising your voice at me,” said the bully, letting a punch fly towards his eye; tears forming in them. Vivi, wanting a part to take a part in the torture, decided to enforce the lesson by sending a swift kick to the knee. 

                “This is for thinking you can boss me around,” three quick jabs were sent to his stomach, making him bring his knees up to avoid any more abuse to his abdomen.

                “And this is the fee for annoying me in the first place,” As the fist was travelling in mid air a voice paused every movement  being made by the group.


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