Chapter 11

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Sora ran, and ran and ran. He had no idea where he was running, he just wanted to run. His tears still running down his face, “Roxas… could be dying…”

                He took a left turn on Agrabah lane and took the alley connecting it to Departure Street. He slowed his pace to light jogging while he went through the alley.

                “What’s a young man such as yourself doing here?” a raspy voice rang across the narrow aisle.  Sora didn’t answer, his mind still occupied by the events.

                A hand landed on his wet shoulder, “Let go of me!”

                “Sora?” a different voice asked into the alley.

                “Hey get outta here! This ain’t any of your business!” the raspy voice taunted to the approaching figure.

                “Let go of me!” Sora gasped, feeling the hand clamp down harder starting to cause him some pain.

                “Now I don’t want any trouble… just let him go and we’ll walk away just like that!”

                “Grr… fine! Get outta here!” He pushed the brunette to the kind stranger as he put something back in his pocket.  Sora didn’t get a good look, but if he could take a guess it was a gun. He was led out of the narrow pathway and when they were in the light he finally got a good look at his savior.

                “Dr. Mickey?”


                “Come inside,” the psychologist offered, gesturing towards his office “What were you doing out there? Were your parents fighting again?”

                He offered Sora a cloth to dry himself with, “No.”

                “I see you’re upset. So it can’t be nothing.”

                “A friend of mine, Roxas got… into an accident,” he explained, which brought back his tears, “They say- they say he might not- might not make it.”

                “Roxas. Roxas. Sora, you mention this Roxas in almost all our sessions. Is there something you want to tell me?”

                “I think I love him.” He answered, looking down with embarrassment.

                “You think? Sora, there is no thinking if you love, it’s love or not. Simple as that. So do you love him?”


                “Then why are you not here? And not there comforting him?”

                “I don’t know; when the nurse said he might not ma- when the nurse told us the news I just ran out of the hospital.”

                “I think I’m starting to understand,” Mickey stated, looking Sora in the eye. “The way I see it, Roxas is an important part of your life yes? I recall your first visit here, it was for divorce counseling. And do you remember how often you visited me?”

                “Umm… every Saturday?”

                “No, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You were torn apart that Zack and Aerith were leaving each other. A split up of a couple such as that can leave a hole in any heart that knew them. A hole that this Roxas seemed to fill.”

                Sora held the cloth tighter, his knuckles turning white from the pressure, “So why did I run?”

                Mickey smiled, “You ran because you were overwhelmed with emotion. As I said before you mentioned Roxas in every session we had; and when you two became friends that was the first time I saw you happy in my session for a while. And gradually you came here less and less until you started coming only every Saturday morning. The way I see it, you had a huge hole in your heart and psycologists like me cannot fix that; we can talk to you why it’s there and we can make you forget about it…but fixing it? We don’t have the power to do that. But you found someone that did, and when you found out that someone has a chance of dying, you ran. Roxas can fill your heart, that is why you ran; because the hole would have been empty again.”

                “Thanks Mickey, you’re amazing.”

                “Oh don’t thank me, I’m sending a bill!”

                Sora chuckled, “Okay, I think I’ll head back there now.”

                “Good luck Sora.” He said, but was unheard as Sora began running back to the boy who has filled with heart with new hope and new love.

                He sat down on the chair next to the blonde. Once Sora got back to Twilight Municipal he was questioned by everyone where he went, but he didn’t want to hear it. He sat with Roxas, staring at that beautiful face sleeping. Eventually they gave up and went back quietly conversing amongst themselves.

                “Naminé you were telling us about Roxas before.” Hayner reminded, sitting down on the floor with Pence and Olette.

                “Well, what have I said so far?”

                Pence spoke, “Roxas is gay and likes Sora.”

                “That’s it! Were you expecting more?”

                “So when did you two start dating?” interrogated Tifa.

                “When Roxas got-” Ventus got himself off, looking away in sadness.

                “Hey Ven I’m sure he’ll be alright, he’s strong he’ll make it!” Cloud said, with a confident smile on his face. However on the inside, he didn’t know whether to believe it himself.


                Once it started to get dark the people began leaving. Kairi and Riku gave their final “Get well Soon” wishes and gave Sora a sympathetic pat on the back. Hayner, Pence and Olette promised to visit everyday and made their way home. Cloud and Tifa drove Vanitas and Ven home because they were still covered in blood. Everyone left until it was just Sora, Naminé, Axel and a sleeping Roxas.

                “So when did you start liking Roxas?” Naminé asked, stroking the blonde hair affectionately.

                “I don’t remember, it was way back… even before we became friends. When did he start liking me?”

                The two pondered a moment and then Axel answered, “Well I remember he told us fifth grade… but I’m pretty sure he liked you even before then.”

                “I remember when we were on the island that he said he liked Olette. Is that true?”

                Both of them chuckled, “No, like we said Roxas likes you and only you! And besides he’s too bent on getting her and Hayner together to like her that way,” Naminé said.

                “Do you think he’s gonna make it?”

                “Of course we do! Then you two can be together and you will live happy lives! We have to go now, see you tomorrow Sora!”

                “Bye,” he greeted as the pair left. Now it was just the two of them. Sora climbed into Roxas’s bed and laid there until sleep took him.


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