Chapter 8

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                “Look I just want to know if he is going to be okay?!” demanded Cloud as he loudly banged his fist on the sky blue receptionist’s desk.

                “I’m sorry sir but we don’t have clearance to provide such information; only to friends and family,” apologized the young lady, flashing an obviously fake smile to hide her impatience with the eldest Strife brother.

                “BUT I AM! I AM HIS OLDER BROTHER AND LEGAL GUARDIAN!” he argued, growing ever-more angry at the situation.

                “Since you were unable to show any form of ID then I cannot disclose the information,”


                “Cloud,” cooed Tifa as she placed her hand on his shoulder, “let’s just take a breather and sit down, alright?”

                “Fine,” accepted Cloud before glaring at the receptionist and mouthing out, “This isn’t over.”

                “Roxas it’s not your fault, stop blaming yourself,” Naminé said, as she rubbed her best friend’s back.

                “Yeah Roxas, its okay we’re here,” Sora whispered.

                The blonde boy continued crying into his hands, “No guys it’s not okay! Ven is probably dead in there because… because of me!”


                “Mr. Strife!” called out Terra running towards Cloud. He grunted in acknowledgment. “We heard something happened, what is it?”

                Cloud sighed, one could tell he was holding back the tears, “It’s… it’s Ven.”

                “What!? What happened is he alright?” asked Aqua as she came running to join her boyfriend.

                “He got in an accident, he’s still in surgery and it’s still unclear,”

                “Unclear that what?” asked Terra as he held his blue haired girl-friend close because of the tears spilling from her face.

                “Well according to Roxas, because the receptionist would only talk to him, they are unsure whether or not he will make it.”

                “Oh no,” whimpered Terra as his own set of tears ran down his cheeks.

                Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock; time does seem to take longer at hospitals. The fresh smell of anesthetic and old people just seems to fill your lungs with every new breath. But right now Roxas wasn’t paying any attention to that, all he wanted to know was if his brother was going to be okay. And once that red light went off, that was like a message from God himself.

                A man, his smock caked in blood walked out of the surgery room breathless, “He’s going to be fine.”

                A collective breath of sighs passed around the room at this news, “Can we go see him?” asked Roxas ecstatic that he would get to see his brother again.

                “Sure go ahead but… he’s still sedated so you’re not gonna get much of a response from him.” The surgeon explained. Roxas ran into the room and there he was, bruises still outlining his face, and an oxygen mask still regulating his breathing. He could have cried then and there due to the state his brother was in, but he was still too overjoyed that Ven would still be there to stand by his side.

                Soon the contents of the waiting room were poured into Ventus’s recovery room and they were all watching him. As night came, the visitors began leaving; first Riku and Kairi, then Axel and Naminé who were closely followed by Terra and Aqua with promises of visiting every day.  Cloud and Tifa went home to get some food for their empty stomachs, since they hadn’t eaten past the morning. So it was just Sora and Roxas , alert by Ven’s sleeping side.

                “Wow, today’s been one heck of a day,” Sora sighed.

                “Yeah. Hey listen, if you’re starting to get tired you can head home, I’m alright now.”

                “No! I’m not leaving you here to be sad and depressed all by yourself. I’m staying, and there’s nothing you can do about it!” proclaimed Sora, crossing his arms defiantly.

                Roxas smiled in defeat, “Alright… thanks Sora.”

                But as the hours ticked on, so did their wills. Sora bobbed his head, attempting to fight the sleep but it soon overcame him and his head landed on Roxas’s shoulder. The blonde boy was slightly surprised but didn’t fight it; it was his crush after all! But as his eyes began to droop as well, he saw another figure enter the recovery room.

                “Oh my god…Ven,” gasped the unknown boy.

                “Oh Ven, this…this is all…” he couldn’t continue as his sobs took over. He held Ventus’s limp hand as he got on his knees and continued his crying.

                And just before Roxas finally gave in, he heard the boy utter a few more words. “I’m sorry Ven, I love you!” whimpered Vanitas. 

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