Chapter 3

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                School: the haven of knowledge, the centerpiece intelligence and holder of the championship belt for the most dramas.  Twilight High was no exception, in fact it could give other high schools a run for their money with the amount of teen drama in just one class alone. In today’s class, the focus was on Sora and Roxas, though they were the only ones that knew about it.

                Both boys were all in the same classes; history with Mr. Frollo, biology with Ms. Ursula, music with Mrs. Gothem, etc.  So throughout the whole day, Roxas had to feel Sora’s gloomy aura as well as see the sad smile he gave everyone. He knew he was responsible for this… and he knew he had to talk to him. But his nervousness always got the best of him, until it finally reached lunchtime. 

                “Yo Roxy!” greeted Axel with his girlfriend Naminé around his arm.

                “Hey,” he said back, focusing on the french-fries lying on his tray.

                “What’s got you panties in a bunch?” giggled Naminé, pulling herself from Axel’s loving hold and plopping herself on the floor next to him.


                “Oh come on Roxy, we’re you’re best friends! We know when something’s wrong with you!” Axel commented, taking a seat next to the blonde boy.

                “Oh yeah, what makes you think that?” challenged Roxas, playfully glaring at the spiky haired red head.

                “Well for starters, you usually sit with us during lunch… not with the janitor at the janitor’s closet.” Naminé answered, knocking on the green door leading to the utopia of cleaning supplies.

                “Well jokes on you, the janitor went to the staff room to eat lunch,” retorted Roxas, crossing his arms at the petite blonde girl.

                “It’s cool and all that your making new… friends but come on Roxy, tell us!” Axel said, putting his hand on Roxas’s shoulder.

                “No it’s nothing guys; don’t worry about it!” defended the blonde boy.

                “Hey Axel, I guess we have to get the big guns…” Naminé said to her boyfriend. Roxas raised an eyebrow at her statement while Axel nodded with a determined look on his face.

                “You forced our hand Roxas,” with that the couple walked back to the cafeteria, leaving Roxas with his own devices. That was until their return, and behind them was the only other person that understood Roxas better than anyone else, his brother.

                “So are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” He interrogated, kneeling to match Roxas.

                “I told you guys nothing is wrong!”

                “I didn’t think we would have to do this, but if I must I must.” Ventus suddenly pounced on his twin and began tickling his sides. Roxas tried in vain to pull his brother off of him but found it hard. He started tearing up from laughing too much and that’s when Ven stopped. “Give in?”

                “Fine! Fine! But could you guys go?” He asked his two best friends. Both frowned but nodded and strutted away.

                “Alright spill,”

                “Sora an…”

                “I knew it!”

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