Chapter 12

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Sora woke abruptly, he saw he was still with the sleeping Roxas. He stroked the golden hair lovingly and kissed the pale forehead.

                The heart monitor’s steady beep gradually started to speed up.

                “Roxas? I knew you’d get well I knew it!” Sora exclaimed, looking at the screen. He smiled at it happily until he began noticing that it was getting too fast. “Oh oh, Nurse! Nurse help!” he called out, getting off the bed and making his way to the door, “Nurse!”

                Three doctors rushed in pushing the brunette out of the way, “We need sedatives in here now!” a young one called out. A different doctor began massaging Roxas’s clothed chest while the last one walked towards Sora.

                “What did you do?”

                “I didn’t do anything! I was sitting here and then it started going like that. It’s not my fault!”

                The man sighed, “Okay, we’ll see what we ca-”

                The machine suddenly emitted a loud continuous sound; Sora looked away from the doctor to see his nightmares come to life. The green line on the monitor had flat-lined.

                “NOOOOO! Roxas!” the Fair teen pushed the doctor away and ran to the blonde. “You’ll be okay, come on don’t go please? I love you, please don’t go! Please!”

                “I’m sorry, we did all we could,” began the young doctor who previously called out for sedatives, “but his pulse was going too fast; it tired the heart out until it finally stopped.”

                Sora didn’t hear him, his mind focused on the boy he so loved, growing colder in his touch, “Roxas, don’t leave me! Please! ROXAS!”


“Sora, Sora wake up! Sora!” called out a voice in the darkness. Who was that? Roxas is that… you?

                Sora opened his eyes to be met with deep blue eyes, “Roxas?”

                The blonde boy nodded, “You were screaming and yelling, you were having a nightmare weren’t you?”

                Sora finally realized he was talking to Roxas again and ignored his comment, “Oh my god Roxas! You’re awake!”

                The boy chuckled, “Yeah, but seriously Sora were you having a nightmare?”

                “Yes but who cares? Roxas you’re awake! They said you might not make it but you did!” Sora crushed Roxas into a strong hug.

                “Am I still dreaming?” wondered Roxas out loud.

                “Oh Roxas, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” The Fair boy stated finally releasing the boy.            

The blonde boy nodded, “What is it?”

                “Do you wanna go out on a date with me?” he asked, biting his lips in nervous anticipation.

                Roxas’s heart leapt, his eyes watered, and his mouth went dry. Was this real? No it was too good, he must still be dreaming. He pinched himself on the arm. He was still there, he slapped himself in the face, he was still there.

                “Roxas this is real.” The brunette assured him.

                The Strife teen nodded before tackling Sora in a hug and kissing him right on the lips…this was real. It was true: sparks were flying, angels were singing and as he had predicted his lips tasted like chocolate.

                “I’ll take that as a yes?” he asked, smiling at his new boyfriend.

                “No, take it as a definitely.”         

Sora X Roxas Highschool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now