Chapter 9

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Over the next few weeks following his recovery, Ventus began acting strange towards Vanitas. Every waking moment was spent eating with, working with and overall hanging out with him. Everyone began to notice this; including the people it affected the most: Terra, Aqua and Roxas.

                “Hey Ven do you wanna have lunch with us?” Aqua or Terra would ask. But all they would get is a, “Sorry guys I’m meeting with Vanitas!”

                “Hey Ven are you going to the concert thing for Tifa?” Roxas would ask but he would get the same answer, “Vanitas.”

                It even got to the point that time spent with Ventus was precious time indeed. However none of them were hurt by it, they were actually quite glad. The two seniors felt that Ven needed a friend since they were so busy, so they considered it a blessing in disguise. Roxas however knew that the way his twin’s been acting, he could tell he feels the same way towards the black haired teen and that he is just looking for a way to get them officially together. So that is where it all began.

“Hey Sora can I talk to you,” called out Roxas during lunch.

The brunette smiled and jogged over to him, “Sure Rox what’s up?”

“I’m going to tell you something,” he whispered, “but you can’t tell anybody, got it?”


“You know my brother Ven?”

“Is he hurt again?”

“NO! Or at least I don’t think so. Anyways that’s not the point! He likes Vanitas.”

“What? No!”

“And I know your brother likes him back.”

“Vani? My twin, is gay?”

“YES! What aren’t you getting from this?”

“No… I’m pretty sure he isn’t… wait hold on,” Sora began pondering the possibilities and after five minutes of serious thought he came to a very obvious conclusion; to Roxas at least, “OH MY GOD VANITAS IS GAY!”

“Finally, now here’s the important bit, I want you to help me.”

“Help you with what?” he asked innocently. Roxas face-palmed, “Sometimes I wonder why he’s been my crush for so long.”  He looked up again to see Sora give him a cute look, “Oh that’s why,” he thought.

“Help me get them together,” he explained, hopeful that Sora would get it and thank the Lord he did. Sora nodded in response. 

Phase 1: Confirmation

                “What else do you need? I’ve told you what happened at the hospital, I’m pretty sure they like each other!”

                “It’s not about Vani! I believe your story as unlikely as it sounds but I just wanna make sure Ven does like him back, I mean I don’t want a depressed twin in my home because your brother broke his heart!”

                “Fine… I think I know what will set you straight,” Roxas said, taking Sora’s hand and dragging him upstairs. “Okay Ven would kill me if he knew what I was doing, but it’s for his greater good!” he reached underneath the mattress and pulled out a dark-blue notebook then began flipping the pages.

“April 3,” it read. “Hey that was yesterday!” Sora pointed out, Roxas nodded in response.

April 3

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