Chapter 2

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The Mexican sun beat down on us as we patiently waited for our allies to arrive. Alejandro had filled me in on the encounter Rodolfu and him had the night before, keeping the name of who we would be tracking a secret.

He still didn't want me on the mission, but knew he couldn't argue with me. He had a sweet spot for me, a side nobody usually saw from him, and I almost always got my way. Whether I learned he was right in the end, or that I was. He obviously loved proving me wrong.

The hum of propellers could be heard from a distance, and Alejandro gave me a look. " You can still back out if you want, hermosa (gorgeous)."

I shot him a glance, and crossed my arms over my vest. " Nope, and flattery won't help," I muttered back.

Rodolfo giggled like a school girl behind us, and we both shot daggers at him. He knew not to get in the middle of our arguments, mainly because he was Alejandro's second in command. He put his hands up in surrender as the plane above us begun descending.

The dirt around us started to swirl, throwing dust up all over us. Rodolfo stepped forwards to stand beside Alejandro, and I stepped back, sheltering myself behind the two large men. I didn't want the spotlight to be on me instantly, so I decided to hang back while they did they're introductions.

The plane landed, and a second later, the rear cargo door dropped. Alejandro stepped forward to greet the two men who emerged from the darkness, while Rodolfo and I followed slowly behind them.

" You can't be too hard on him," Rodolfo commented softly, " He is trying, but I've also never seen him care for someone as much as he cares for you."

I smiled as the unfamiliar warm feeling of being loved and cared for spread across my body. " I know," I replied.

" Alejandro," A voice greeted, his Scottish accent thick.

" Sergeant MacTavish," Alejandro replied, moving slightly so I could see the man he was talking to.

He had a soft face, definately not war weathered like most of Alejandro'a men. His eyes were a deep blue, deeper than the sea itself, and I felt myself get lost in them immediately. He spotted me behind Alejandro, and gave me a small smile.

" Call me Soap," He replied, his eyes still on me.

Alejandro nodded, and turned to the other body beside Soap. I stayed behind him, waiting for Alejandro's word. " Lieutenant, Laswell says they call you Ghost," Alejandro stated to the second soldier, who I still hadn't caught a glimpse of.

Soap turned his attention back to Alejandro, and a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. " Actually I believe he prefers to be-"

" That'll do," The second soldier replied, his British accent strong and his tone low, monotone almost.

Alejandro nodded, and I gently tapped his shoulder. He turned and gave me a smile, before tugging me in front of him. " I almost forgot, this is my... apprentice, Nova Vargas. She joined me over a year ago. She's become a great addition, strong and stubborn. Nova, Sergeant Soap and Lieutenant Ghost."

I glanced over at Soap and gave him a smile, before turning to the one named Ghost. My heart dropped as I was met with a masked face, the white skull shining against the sunlight. His dark brown eyes were trained on mine, before they scanned me head to toe. My cheeks felt hot, but I straightened myself and stared back, matching his intensity.

Soap was the first to break the silence. " Pleasure to meet you both. So, you guys are related?"

Alejandro shook his head. " Not by blood, but all Los Vaqueros are family."

" So you're marri-"

" No," I responded, shooting a glare at Soap.

The last name was a whole other topic, one I was not getting into with two people I had just met. The men of Los Vaqueros don't even know the whole story, the only other one beside Alejandro and I was Rodolfo.

Soap pursed his lips in response, Ghost still hadn't said a word. He just continued to stare, trying to analyze me no doubt. But I wasn't a person who could be read easily, not when I wanted to at least. I hid my emotions well, so well it drove Alejandro crazy. I would bottle up everything, until I couldn't take it anymore and explode.

" Well let's get a move on, the location isn't far from here," Alejandro stated, turning to walk back to the trucks, " Welcome to the City of Souls."

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