Chapter 12

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I opted to ride in the back of Graves' vehicle, assuming it probably wouldn't have been smart being sandwiched between Ghost and Soap the whole way back to the base. Rudy had offered up his seat, but I had known he was still wary of the man with the skull mask, and I didn't want to put him into a situation he wouldn't be comfortable in. I also didn't feel like listening to the four of them pester me on if I was okay the whole ride home.

Ghost had wanted to remove the bullet that wedged itself into my skin as soon as we got back to the dock, but I simply refused. If he wanted to dig into my arm with a knife with no numbing, someone would've been getting hurt. And it wouldn't have just been me.

With Alejandro's reassurance, he eventually caved, and allowed me to just wait it out until we got back home. But with the look in his eyes, I could tell I would be getting tuned from him once we were alone. He seemed overly protective and worried, nothing I wasn't used to and nothing I was going to complain about either.

The drive back with Graves and his two other soldiers was a welcoming quiet, Graves offering me a quick praise as I had joined them. But something felt off, I just couldn't put my finger on it. After a win like that, I'd assumed Graves wouldn't have shut up for five minutes. But instead, he just sat staring straight ahead, his right hand pressing his gun firmly to his chest.

I had slightly dozed off halfway through the drive, partially from the pain, but mostly from being drenched and cold. The vehicles were dark as night fell upon Mexico, allowing sleep to come east. However, it was still only a light sleep, so once the vehicle came to a stop, I sat up in my seat.

" Stay here for a second," Graves said, motioning for me to stay seated.

I shot him a confused glare, but got comfy again in the seat, pulling the light blanket he had given me back over my body.

Graves and his two men in front exited the vehicle, and closed the doors behind them. My eyelids started to feel heavy as full blown sleep was dangerously close, but the sound of Alejandro raising his voice jolted me back awake.

I glared out the window, to see Graves blocking off the entrance to our base, his soldiers surrounding him, guns drawn. Graves held his gun steadily as he approached Alejandro, glaring at him.

" What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo?" Alejandro snapped, beginning to close the gap between them.

Soap rushed up and pushed Alejandro back. " You're out of line, Graves," He warned, his usual happy tone replaced by a threatening one.

Graves held up his forefinger, pointing it at Alejandro. " Don't do that. Don't.. Do that. No one needs to get hurt here."

My hand found my door handle, being convieniently located on the opposite side of the altercation. I slowly pushed the door open, and slid out of my seat undetected. I glanced to the back of the vehicle, spotting Ghost, who looked ready to kill. " Are you threatening us?" He asked, before his eyes wandered over to me.

He gave me a warning look, and I cautiously made my way over to him. Once I was within arms reach, he grabbed me by my good arm, and hauled me behind him, using himself as a human shield.

" Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarentees, so let's not do this," Graves responded, his voice echoing throughout the compound

A low rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance, and Soap turned his back on Graves. " I'm calling Shephard."

He stopped dead in his tracks as Graves spoke once more, " General Shephard sends his regards. He told me y'all wouldn't take this well."

Ghost stepped forward slightly, matching Soaps position. " He knows about this?"

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