Chapter 11

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I was wedged between Ghost and Soap as we followed behind Graves and his convoy of Shadow Company PMCs, Alejandro driving and Rudy riding shot gun. I sat with my hands tucked between my vest and chest, staring blankly out the windshield. I felt slightly uneasy going into this next mission, unaware of what to expect. What I did know, however, I wasn't a fan of fighting AQ soldiers on top of an oil rig in the middle of the ocean.

I had slept strangely well after Ghost had walked me back to my room the night before, my dreams filled with the Brit himself. Usually, I was an extremely light sleeper, and was up before the rest of the compound was. But, my slumber was interupted by Alejandro pounding on my door saying I was late and to get my ass out of bed.

The back of my hand grazed the knife in my front chest pocket of my vest, and I had to contain the smile that threatened to cross my face as I remembered obtaining the small weapon.

Before Ghost left me to sleep, he held out a single knife, and urged me to take it. " It'll do until I can get you a real set," He had said, before he walked off for the night.

We soon reached a dock, and Alejandro placed the vehicle in park. I peered out the windshield to see three skimpy looking boats, and groaned. " We're taking boats?"

Alejandro turned around in his seat, and offered me a sympathetic smile. " Helicopter would be to obvious. Would give them more time to flee."

Soap pushed my shoulder playfully, before beginning his exit out of the vehicle. " Scared of boats, are ya?"

I rolled my eyes back, scooting across the seat and exiting the vehicle through the door he held open. " Not my favourite mode of transportation."

Soap smirked, and glanced over top of my head as Ghost emerged from the other side of the truck. " Same as him," He commented, " Perfect match."

" MacTavish," Ghost warned, walking off to meet Graves at the dock.

" Let's get a move on, soldiers!" Graves shouted, just as the sky opened up and released a down pour.


" Eyes on the rig," Soap confirmed beside me, his voice barely audible above the crashing of waves.

The oil rig loomed above us, a welcoming sight from the vast and angry sea. I wasn't particularly a fan of boats, especially not ones with no cover from the elements. I was already looking like a drowned rat, and we hadn't even technically started the mission.

" All right, thats our target. Shadows one and two push to your hook points. Let's invite ourselves in," Graves responded back.

We hit a massive wave, and I slipped slightly on the wet floor. Alejandro and Soap both sandwiched me tighter, using their strong bodies to keep me steady. " All stations, ship is visual," Ghost reported through the comms.

" Copy! Prep for assault, stay on comms," Graves replied back, and turned to face us, " If Valeria told the truth, we board, clear, disarm that missile."

" And if she's lying?" I asked Graves.

" God help her."

" God help us all," Soap muttered beside me.

" Be ready for anything, this could be a trap," Alejandro warned.

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