Chapter 5

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I had never slept that terrible in months. My slumber was full of nightmares, guns, knives, pain, and most importantly, masks.

I slowly and hesitantly got out of bed, and got dressed for the day. The compound was quiet, signalling that everyone had already left. I wasn't complaining, I did say I was done after all so I had nothing to complain about.

I opened my bedroom door to find a guard posted outside of it, and I glared up at him menacingly. " Can I ask what you are doing?"

" Alejandro wanted me to keep watch of you for today," The guard replied, his Spanish accent think.

" Right," I muttered, " Because I'm some unstable mental child?"

The guard shook his head, showing no emotion. " No, because they have captured their target and Colonel is afraid the compound will be infiltrated by the AQ."

My heart dropped, and a feeling of unease settled over me. " The who?"

" AQ. Al Qatala. They captured Hassan Zyani who's been leading them."

My blood ran cold. I had never seen Hassan's face, but I remembered his name clearly. It's hard to forget someone who's done and witnessed unspeakable things. My thoughts clicked into place, and everything started to make sense. That was why Alejandro wouldn't tell me the name, or allow me to listen to the briefing. He was worried of what I would've done if I had found out. And he should be.

" And where are they now?"

The guard started to look annoyed, but he fell straight into my trap. " They got held up once Zyani was detained. Soldiers were fighting to get their leader back. Shadow Company is with them as back up, making sure their exfil goes safe."

The bastard. Alejandro knew, he knew the history and that's why he wouldn't let me on the mission in the first place. Because he knew I'd rather kill then ask questions when it came to Hassan and his terrorist organization.

I slammed the door of my room shut, and immediately started planning my escape and how to find them. Then I remembered. All of Alejandro's vehicles had trackers. And all of the VINs are stored on the base computer, comnviently with a mini map indicating where each was. I just had to figure out how to get past the guard, and I could make my final move.

What I was about to do could turn out to be detrimental, but I didn't care. I've wanted to take revenge on the man who caused me pain for so long, and I finally had my chance to do it.


Taking out the guard was easy. Alejandro had gotten his doctor to give me sleeping pills when I had first arrived, as my nightmares kept me up all night. When I didn't sleep, the memories and anxiety just made everything worst and harder to deal with.

I had crushed up two pills, and slipped them into the guards water bottle while he was in the bathroom. He was out within a half hour.

I got to the computer, and selected the software Alejandro used to track the vehicles. The mini map showed on the screen, with two red dots flashing, indicating the vehicles that were currently running.

They were headed to a secluded spot, a spot Alejandro had shown me before. It was in the middle of nowhere's, a place nobody could hear or see what occurred there.

I slammed the laptop shut, and gave one last glance at the guard before grabbing a set of keys, and exiting the compound.


The sun had just went down as I sped down the dusty back road, the laptop open on the passenger seat beside me, along with the AK-47. The dots were solid red now, symbolizing that they were parked.

The location wasn't far from home base, a ten minute drive and I would arrive, ready to raise some hell.

The truck screamed wide open as I neared the location, 10 minutes becoming 5 and 5 becoming two. Soon enough I seen the headlights of multiple vehicles ahead, and a large group formed in a circle.

I skidded to a halt beside one the vehicles and aggressively threw it in park as the group of men all raised their guns at me. Grabbing my gun, I jumped out and begun my walk to the group, spotting Hassan crouched down in the middle of them.

Just as I had come into the headlights of the vehicles, a large figure stepped out from beside one of the trucks, and I immediately raised my gun to him. " Do you want a fucking repeat of what happened in the village? Except this time, I'll fire. No more reputation to hold up to then," I snapped.

Ghost stopped dead in his tracks, and I heard Alejandro cursing. " The fuck are you doing here, Nova? How did you find us?"

I strutted past Ghost, my head held high, and Alejandro moved to block Hassan from my view. " You seem to forget I know everything. The trackers?" I replied, pushing past Alejandro and pointing my weapon at Hassan.

He glared up at me menacingly, before a smirk plastered across his face. " Princess," He stated jokingly, " The new name suits you, Nova."

" What are you doing here?" I questioned, my finger dangerously close to the trigger.

Hassan opened his mouth to reply, before he was cut off by another question, and a new voice. " You two know eachother? Mind telling me what the fuck this is, Alejandro?" A man I had never seen before asked, stepping up to stand beside Hassan.

Alejandro had went quiet, surely thinking on ways he would kill me in my sleep. Rodolfo stepped away from the situation, and was now standing beside one of the trucks. He never did like confrontation. Soap was standing dumbfounded as he watched the encounter, and Ghost had emerged from the safety of the darkness, and was now standing beside him.

The unknown man pulled zip ties out from his vest pocket, and started walking towards me. His blue eyes flickered from me to Alejandro. " Maybe she should come in for questioning too."

" There's no need for that, Graves," Soap spoke up, his voice slightly shaky, " Give them time to speak."

Hassan laughed, obviously enjoying the situation. He was a sick man, and loved the mental torture more than the physical. He glared around to everyone before replying, " What, she didn't tell you? This will be a lovely surprise for you soldiers. She was General Ghorbrani's little pet. Bound to be his wife."

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