Chapter 4

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" Nova, you copy?" Alejandro's voice rung in my ear.

Ghost still had his pistol aimed at my head, and was glaring me down like I was some fresh meat and he was the dog. I slowly lifted my hand up, and held in the button on my radio. " I'm good," I replied quietly, my eyes not leaving Ghost's.

" We're heading up to you, our men didn't find anything, so we need to leave and regroup back at base before backup arrives."

Ghost lowered his pistol, and I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I fucked it all up. I was extremely good at doing that, and I risked the teams mission because I decided to be a failure.

Soap emerged from the hallway, and gave Ghost and I a confusing look as he passed by. Ghost went to walk out of the room, but turned last minute to glare at me again. " Are you going to tell Alejandro, or am I?" Was all he said before he left me alone.


There was a bit of a gunfight leaving the village, as an army had shown up and the bullets immediately started firing on us. Alejandro led us through the Mexican woods, but I honestly would've rather stayed behind and been killed then go back to base and deal with the backlash.

Our exfil wasn't easy, as Rodolfo's signal cut before he got the warning out. It resulted in us having a bit of a cliff jump after our flee, and wading up river to avoid the bullet spray from the riverbanks. The Shadow Company, who I found out were allies with Ghost and Soap, bailed us out when we got surrounded, and we immediately fled and went back to base.

My fingernails were caked in mud as I scrubbed harshly at my scalp, the showers water burning every inch of my skin. I hadn't spoken to Alejandro yet, and wasn't sure if I was ready to. I liked to think I could take criticism, but I honestly couldn't.

My father used to critize over every little thing, even those that weren't my fault, and it left an ever lasting impression on me. We'd go weeks before speaking again, I'd try multiple times to apologize and make up for it but it was never enough in his eyes. I was always a complete failure.

I turned the shower off, and stepped out onto the cold concrete floor. After drying myself, I put on a clean pair of jeans and a black hoodie, before placing a ball cap on my head. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked like shit, but then again, I felt like shit.

I pushed the bathroom door open, and was met with 4 pairs of eyes. They were all surrounding a table in the middle of the main room, a map placed on the table top with a lamp illuminating it. Alejandro gave me a smile, but I dropped my eyes to the floor and walked right past him.

" Nova?" I heard him ask, making my way to the exit of the base.

" I'm done Alejandro, You were right." I replied, pushing the large door open before I got my response.

I didn't dare turn around as I made my way out into the dark Mexico night, the sight of Alejandro confused and upset would be enough for my flood gates to open. Something I haven't done in a while.

The encounter with Vero crossed my mind, leaving unresolved questions roaming my mind. He couldn't be working with the people we were after, he said he was leaving that life behind.

I didn't know what else to do, so I ran. I ran until my lungs burned, desperately needing oxygen. I ran until my legs started to buckle, and once I stopped, the flood gates opened.

I cried about letting down the team, I cried about Vero, coming to the conclusion he had to have been a hostage. There was no way he was back. And definately not in my own backyard.


By the time I got back to base, everyone was asleep. The two usual guards were on night shift guarding the place, and I gave them both a small smile as I entered the compound.

The lights in the main area were dimmed, and I spotted two cots in one corner of the large room. Soap occupied one, his loud snores echoing throughout the room. Sat on the other cot, was Ghost. His back leaned against the wall, staring straight at me. In the dimness, I could see his eyes held a certain softness to them. He gazed at me, and I could see a bit of relief flash through his eyes as I shut the main door behind me.

Without another word, I turned and walked straight to my room, gently shutting and locking my door.

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