Chapter 13

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I was once again on the run, Graves' words and actions flooding my mind as I ran blindly through the city. Did I believe Ghost and Soap were actually bad people? No. What I really believed was the bad was Shephard. The General seemed like the type who loved the power and influence he held on people, and I believe he manipulated Graves to turn.

My arm felt loads better, but I was still unsure how I was going to tell Ghost who bandaged me up. My heart sank thinking of him, I knew he was fully capable of staying alive, but with the Shadows infecting the city like the plague, my hopes were drawing thin. Soap was on my mind constantly too, hoping the bubbly Scott was somewhere safe.

The rain had begun to ease slightly, causing me to shiver as the cold air hit my dampened body. The wet clothing weighed heavily on my body, and I spotted my saving grace ahead of me. A large church.

The gunfire was far enough away that I felt safe taking a few minutes to gather my bearings. I took note of the few Shadow Company PMC bodies I spotted on my way to the church, their throats ripped open and left to drain on the streets. It gave me a flicker of hope Ghost was near, and I was hoping to finally find him.

I entered the church, the large doors swinging shut behind me. It was eerily quiet and dark, and I took caution as I walked to the front of the chapel. A shadow moved from the corner of my eye, and I gripped the knife I had aquired tightly in my right hand.

My leg was kicked out from underneath me, and I slammed to the floor, my stomach hitting first. I quickly manouvered around so I was on my back, and held my knife infront of me. A body sat on top of me, and one of its hands wrapped around my throat, the other grabbed my hand with the knife and pressed it to the side of my neck.

Within seconds, I recongnized the figure, its menacing eyes glaring down at me through the mask. My heart shattered as I realized he didn't recongnize who I was, his fight senses too high, " Ghost!" I exclaimed quickly, as the tip of the knife started to dig into my neck, " Ghost! It's me!"

It still didn't register to him, and the knives tip slightly pricked my skin. I opted for a risky move, and raised my free hand, placing it onto his cheek. Ghost removed the knife from my hand and neck, and lazily wiped the slightly bloodied tip on his shoulder. " I knew it was you," He said in a husky tone, " I just thought seeing you squirm below me was a great sight. There was just something about hearing you plead like that."

" Oh..."

My face burned as he kept his eyes trained on me, and I bit my bottom lip out of habit. " Bad idea," He warned, and gently squeezed the hand still placed around my throat.

My eyes rolled back with the pressure, a feeling of pleasure rippling through my body. Heat spread through my lower region, and it freaked me out thinking I was actually enjoying this. Any time something like this happened to me, it was out of pure malice, and meant nothing to me.

Ghost leaned down beside my ear, and planted a kiss on my bare neck. My body stiffened, and he continued by assaulting my neck, kissing and sucking on every sensitive spot. " G-Ghost?" I stuttered out.

" Mhm?"

" We aren't screwing in a church."

Ghost pulled away from my neck, and stared at me, his eyes full of lust. " Your loss," He said, before giving me a wink.

He stood up, and reached a hand down to me. I grabbed it, and he helped me up off the floor, his eyes flickering to my arm. " You removed the bullet?" He asked.

" Something like that," I replied shortly, " Do you know where Soap is?"

Ghost glanced around the church, and nodded. " He's on his way. Once he gets here, we find a vehicle and leave this hell hole. Alejandro told me the coordinates of his safe house, so we will hide out there until we make up a plan."

I nodded my agreement, and he placed his hand on his radio. " Ready when you are Sergeant. Nova's here with me."

I decided to explore the large church, walking in between the wooden pews. I ran my fingers over the aged wood, feeling every bump and crevice under my touch.

Ghost was now perched beside a large stained glass window, staring out at the streets as he continued his banter with Soap.

Being hidden in a church held some sort of security for me. I wasn't overly a religious person, but something about being in a place of worship gave me comfort. I knew there was a being who created us, but sometimes, he could be an extremely shitty force. So I chose not to put my fate in his hands.

" What has two legs and bleeds?"

I whipped around at the comment, and stared at Ghost from across the church. He had his back to me, and was busy staring outside.

" Half a dog."

" What the fuck?" I asked in bewilderment.

Ghost turned around to face me, and a low chuckle emitted from him. It immediately caused laughter to bubble from my lips, and soon enough we were both filling the church with our half-hysterical laughter.


Waiting for Soap felt an eternity. Ghost and I both took separate sides of the church, scouting for any Shadow Company PMCs. The whole time we waited, it was deadly quiet. So as soon as we heard gunfire and yelling, we took no time in running from the church. Sure enough, Soap was there.

Ghost was leading the three of us as we manouvered the streets, attempting to locate an exfil vehicle. It proved difficult, as most were either on fire, smashed to shit, or simply out of fuel.

Soap still had his weapon from when I had left him, and Ghost took no time in acquiring two more for us.

" There!" I exclaimed, pointing at a single cab truck with its headlights on.

Ghost leaned around the side of the car we were currently using as cover, and nodded. " Two hostiles just ahead though. Soap, you take the one on the left, I'll take the one on the right. Nova, wait for my signal, and make a run for the truck."

" Got it, L.T," Soap confirmed from beside me, " On you, Sir."

The two moved up, crouching in the shadows before splitting off. I watched as Ghost and Soap both snuck around the soldiers. They were just close enough I could make out exactly what they were saying as they chatted amongst each other, unaware of the two men hunting them from behind.

" You're telling me, you see that big boy with the skull face, you're not gonna start sweating?" One of the soldiers blurted out.

" I'm not gonna see him," The other responded confidently.

" You're right, you won't see him. It's too late if you see him, you're fucking dead all ready."

I watched as Ghost and Soap both launched onto the soldiers, their movements in sync. Ghost mercilessly stabbed his knife into the soldiers throat, and the sight honestly should've scared me. But at that moment, I felt nothing but security.

Once the soldiers were taken care of, Ghost waved his arm at me, and I took off sprinting for the truck.

Yelling could be heard behind us as we booked it to the truck, and I climbed into the front, grateful it had a bench seat. Ghost slid into the drivers seat, and Soap clambered in not so gracefully beside me.

Bullets plastered the vehicle, and I ducked down. Ghost threw the truck in reverse, and Soap pushed the back windshield out, shooting through the gaping hole. " Don't move!" Soap yelled, before firing a shot over top of my head, directly out Ghost's window.

" Thanks," Ghost replied.

I sat back up as he placed the truck in drive, and sped down a street, hitting everything and anything in his path. Soap was now facing the front, and had a death grip on the handle above his head. " Jesus Christ! Do you even have a license?"

I shrugged. " He drove fine with me last night."

My mind resgitered what I had just said, and I shot a glance at Soap, who was now staring at the two of us with a grin. " Don't go there right now," I hissed, " If it'll make you focus and happy, I'll tell you all about it once we're safe."

" But-"

" Johnny," Ghost warned.

" Fine," Soap replied, pouting his bottom lip and crossing his arms over his chest, " My two best mates hiding secrets about their love life. That's not fair."

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