Chapter 8

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I stared down at the massive mansion El Sin Nombre was rumoured to be at, my eyes trained on all the guards outside. The roof top we were perched on gave us a direct line of sight on the whole building, and was perfect for us to plan our strategy.

I left the planning to the boys, knowing I would likely be put as a back up stationed on the outskirts of the property. I didn't have any ambition to be front and center on this mission, anyways. I've heard stories of Sin Nombre, and I'd like to keep myself as far away as I could. He was a force who constantly plagued death in Las Almas, an object I didn't even classify as human.

" Then we take it, I've got enough Shadows here to take over the whole damn country," Graves remarked, dragging me out of my thoughts.

" I'd prefer if you didn't," Alejandro shot back.

" Just saying, one house shouldn't be a problem."

" We need Sin Nombre alive," Ghosts said, his voice holding authority.

" Well, then we need to meet him," Graves shot back smartly.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the bickering, and backed away from the edge of the building. I went and stood beside Alejandro. " How?" Soap asked, glaring daggers at Graves.

A devilish smirk crossed Graves' face. " Give 'em what they want. They want to know who's here, so let's tell them."

Alejandro tensed beside me. " In person?"

" Correcto. Get one of us inside, find the boss, and roll him up."

My stomach dropped as Graves made eye contact with me, and Alejandro swiftly grabbed my arm. " No, not happening."

Graves rolled his eyes. " She's a female. Do you honestly think they would have more intention to harm or kill her over any of us? No offence, Nova, but females often get the better end of the stick. Dress her up nice and she'll be like a prize to them. Anything she says, they'll believe without a doubt."

" Do you not remember what I had told you? About what happened to me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, " I would like to avoid that from ever happening again."

" I do, but I promise, you'll be guarded from every angle necess-"

Ghost stepped between Graves and I, his muscular back towards me. " She's not going, Graves. Now fuck off."

His demeanour was threatening, and his stance showed he dared Graves to argue with him. He stood with both feet planted firmly underneath him, and his right hand placed on his pistol holster.

Graves glared back at the massive giant in front of him. His blue eyes were blazing, obviously not liking the fact he got shut down. The silence was uncomfortable as the two glared each other down. Alejandro threw his arm around my waist, and pulled me into his side.

" I'll do it."

Everyone turned to Soap, who looked as proud as a kid who had just bought his first bicycle. Alejandro sighed, " You go in there, they'll kill you, hermano."

Soap shook his head. " I'll take my chances. We came here to stop a missile. Let's stop it. I'll offer intel for a meet with Sin Nombre, and if he's there, we pounce."

I glanced up to Alejandro, who had a massive smirk plastered across his face. " Hell yeah, you've got balls you son of a bitch," He agreed, patting Soap on the shoulder, " You make it in, you'll need eyes and ears. I'll go to."

I pushed Alejandro's side, making him stumble into Soap. " What the fuck, no!" I exclaimed.

" I'll be okay,," Alejandro offered, giving me a pleading look, " I'll fit in perfectly. They won't even expect a thing, I promise."

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