7. Eyes On Me

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Lena clicked her tongue, snapped her fingers as Delta and Echo were not listening.

"Oh folks, you are in for a show." Alan declared.

"Lee," Owen whispered holding a hand out as he got lower

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"Lee," Owen whispered holding a hand out as he got lower. "Echo doesnt like something today." Owen remarked. Lena looked as Echo bounced around, his gaze narrowed in. Delta looked up at their visitors curiously.

"You see when one goes off, the rest of the pack tends to follow into disobedience." Alan informed them.

"Look at me." Owen told Blue, as Lena snapped her fingers again. "Damnit," Owen muttered. He clicked his tongue, twisting his foot in the dirt pit.

"You got their attention." Lena mused as they circled Owen.

"Look, look, look at me." Owen demanded but something in the air was throwing Echo off and Delta followed her lead.

"Blue." Lena declared and she spun around. "Look at me." Lena demanded stepping closer.

"What is she doing?" Luke questioned.

"She's going to remind them who the alpha is." Alan assured.

"Look at me." Lena repeated. "Look... look at me." She brought two fingers up to her eyes and pointed them back at Blue, back and forth, back and forth. "Look at me." She snapped her opposite hand. "Echo." Lena declared still getting closer, Owen took a step back.

"Shouldnt she be in protective gear?" Aemond offered looking to her outfit.

"Lena likes to move around, if things turn south she has her blade on her hip but Lena and Owen don't like to bring weapons into the pit. They want the dinos trust them. Can't show trust if you come in armed and ready for a fight. They sense that." Alan informed them.

"She certainly looks good doing it." Daemon agreed.

"Eyes on me." Lena declared as she spun around. She held a hand out, palm to them and they stopped. Rhaenyra looked to Owen as he climbed up, getting their food.

"Ready Lee?" Owen asked. She gave him a thumbs up, not looking away from Echo. "Alright, you look like you got a good arm." Owen remarked he held out the bucket to Aemond.

"What is it?" Aemond countered.

"Grub." Owen offered. "Lee, three paces." Owen remarked and Lena took three steps back slowly.

"Eyes on me." Lena repeated as Blue wiggled her butt before sitting down before her. "Echo... Charlie..." One by one they sat before her. "Eyes on me." Lena repeated.

"Throw it." Owen mused Aemond stared back at him.

"What if I miss and hit Lena?" Aemond countered shaking his head.

"Good lad," Owen remarked slapping his back. "Come on." Aemond watched as Owen headed back down. "I use the ladder I'm not as fancy as Lena." Owen remarked. "You coming or what?"

"I will." Daemon remarked pushing past Aemond. So obviously Aemond couldnt let that stand and he jumped the rail sliding down the pole as Lena did.

"Aemond!" Alicent demanded.

"Stay calm." Alan assured. "Lena is good, she won't let your boy get hurt."

"Eyes. I need your eyes." Lena demanded as she heard them getting closer. "On me." she snapped her fingers drawing Delta's gaze back to her. "Echo." she demanded.

"Alright gorgeous," Daemon whispered touching her bare back as he came up behind her. "Tell me what to do." He purred in her ear.

"Don't distract me." Lena remarked but she couldnt hide her smile.

"Alright, trick is a quick release or they will go for your fingers." Owen remarked. Lena reached a hand back into the bucket, Jace and Luke heard the squish as she grabbed a piece. She held it behind her back as they reached in.

"All at once, Aemond you are throwing to Charlie on the far left, Daemon to Delta on far right. Lena-"

"I got Echo." She assured. "On three, just throw it to them." Lena instructed. "And, don't show fear." She added.

"One, two, three." Owen declared as the grub went flying. The raptors chomped at the air before it landed in their mouths. Echo swallowed hers down and took another step forward wanting more. Another step and another.

"Owen." Lena whispered as she snapped her fingers.

"Back up the ladder, my princes." Owen agreed walking backwards as he got Aemond and Daemon behind him.

"Eyes on me." Lena instructed.

"Have they ever been attacked?" Aegon asked as Daemon and Aemond ascended the ladder.

"Plenty, but they are skilled." Alan agreed.

"Any scars like my brother has?" Aegon mused.

"Lena has one deep scar on her back." Alan recalled. "Trying to save this one." He nodded to Owen.

"I didnt need saving." Owen murmured.

"Back it up." Lena instructed, she extended her arm to the raptors, palm up. She ran her opposite hand along the length of her arm towards the raptors. "Back it up." She repeated the motion and Blue did a spin as she screeched out, her pack followed. Lena closed the gate before turning around and giving them a dramatic bow.

"That was awesome!" Jace declared.

"Who's ready for go for a ride?"

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