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I sigh but get off my bed and find my guards outside.

"My father has told me to go choose my basics," I say with confusion, "what does that even mean?" "Come with us," one of them says and they lead the way.

Once I get outside, still wearing my evening, dinner dress. A carriage is waiting for me so I get in and my guards sit inside with me.

Once we arrive at the exam centre, I realise it is dark inside.

"I am sure it is closed guys," I say honestly and they shake their heads. "Even so," one of them says, "they have to do this for you." I nod and make my way out of the carriage and into the circular building that links to smaller and smaller circles throughout a green field.

"Princess Anthurium has arrived," one of them announces and someone runs in to attend to her. "Your Highness," the lady says excitedly, "I am so glad you are back safely." "Thanks," I say kindly, "I am here for the basics test." "Oh," the woman says and looks at the guards, "okay let's get to testing." I nod.

We make our way to one of the smaller circles and she puts me into a room without my guards to sit in silence. A feeling of dread fills me as I remember taking this test years ago, it was the day before I turned four and lost everything. I felt like I was being watched back then and now too.

"I want my guards in here," I demand seriously. "That is not allowed," she says seriously. "Then open this door and let me out," I say as fear starts to cloud my judgment. A few seconds later, the door unlocks and my guards are by my side. My heart calms down and they sense something.

"Your Highness," the woman says and tries to come closer but my guards block them. "I refuse to take the test without my guards beside me," I say seriously showing that I will not negotiate. "You must bring this matter to the King," she says and moves aside for me to make my way out with my guards by each side.

As soon as I am in the carriage, relief fills me.

One of the guards looks at me and asks, "What happened Your Highness?" "I remembered," I say honestly and they look at me with sadness in their eyes, "this is how I went missing in the first place." "That is true," the other guard says honestly, "when you came for the results on your birthday that is when you went missing." I sigh deeply, "My father will be upset if I don't do this today as it is I feel so much pressure because he expects so much from me." They both sigh and one of them says, "Princess, he loves you alot and he nearly died when you went missing. You were everything to him. Explain it to him first and then judge later." I nod and we start making our way home.

Early in the morning, I make my way to my foster parent with fear in my heart and sleep in my eyes as I could not sleep due to these thoughts.

"Morning guys," I say and my guards try to come in but I shake my head so they give me space, "my father has requested that I ask whether you will be staying longer or leaving anytime soon just so we know." "We have to leave," Dan says sadly, "it hurts to leave but I need to work and school is waiting for the others." I nod and tears fill my eyes as I hug them tightly.

We all make our way to breakfast together.

I sit to my father's left as usual. He smiles at me and I try my best to reciprocate.

As soon as breakfast is served, I try and talk to him.

"Father," I say nervously, "I need to tell you and ask you something." He smiles and nods, "What is it?" "I did not do the test yesterday but I have a valid reason," I try to explain but he cuts me off. He shakes his head, "Do you not take this right of yours seriously?" I tense, "I do but I am trying to explain why I did not do it." He holds up his hand, "Leave right now and do it, understood?" I nod, get up and leave the home with my guards behind me.

Finally Free!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang