The Kingdom of Hydrangea

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That very night, we make our way to the nearest airport so as to take a flight back to Sable. Rain is falling and the wind is cold as we walk up to the plane.

Once inside, everyone sits down in silence for take off. As I look around, I notice that it is the same plane that I took when I came here.

Red carpeted floors with shiny white ceilings that glow in the darkness. Soft cushioned seats create comfort despite the stress of the situation.

Once we are in the air and the lights are back on, my father gathers the family beside him. Kris and Radley are sitting alongside each other discussing something.

"This is serious Royal business," my father says sternly, "no joking around. Everyone needs to be calm and confident despite all they may have done to us." I see everyone tense which causes me to look at them with confusion but I stay quiet.

"These people are dangerous and they will prey on every weakness," my mother says seriously, "Anthurium, they will be watching to see whether they can take advantage of you and take your throne. Look, they will try to use what they have done to our people to hurt us so...don't get angry...just ignore and carry on."

Everyone nods but they all seem distant in their thoughts. I sense that everyone has not told me everything I need to know.

Aster and Magnolia make their way to their seats. Both of them stare in silence as they watch the clouds roll by at great speeds.

"Anthurium," my father says with extreme fear, "try to stay away from them when you are alone and don't let them psych you out. They tend to be vicious and I have a feeling the King is coming. They are very protective of their people especially when it benefits them."

That last sentence echoes in my mind as I head to my seat. What benefit could they truly get from him other than me?

I decide to think positively and practice remaining silent and calm throughout my time spent in their presence.

Soon, we are landing and everyone is making their way off the plane. Once we are off the plane, we make our way into the carriages awaiting us.

As we get closer to the palace, I notice that the lights are on which means that they are staying in our home with our people. I know their people and I know their way. None of them value a child's life until they reach thirteen but it seems that my family has some idea about their actions. It just seems that they cannot possibly know what I know.

As soon as we are by the doors, a whole army of men and women make their way out of our home wearing their black armor. I push the flashbacks out of my mind and stand tall as I exit my carriage along with my siblings and my parents.

Once we are all out, my father walks straight past them into his home and I follow his lead but I notice their angry and smug expressions beneath all their dark clothing. It occurs to me that The Kingdom of Freesia makes their army where similar clothing which bothers me.

We enter our home and my father leads us to his throne room as we stand beside him. The dark army follows us into the throne room with their eyes hidden from us but their anger evident as they try to show their power over us.

A man from the army comes forward and takes off his armor, revealing his face to us and my father seems to tense.

"Peony," the man says with a smile on his face, "it is so nice to see you again and to grace these lands that I never get to see with my own eyes." "Orpheus," my father says without a sliver of a smile, "what is it that you have come into my land for without permission for the thousandth time?" Orpheus' face darkens at his words and then a smug smile plays on his face, "I came for my person as you have no right to take them." "Seems a bit unfair since you take our people for no valid reason all of the time," my father says with annoyance. "You got me there," Orpheus says with a laugh, "except we do it for money and you know that. It's not out of pure evil that we do this but because of others and their evil intentions." My father rolls his eyes, "Why should we hand him over when he has committed a crime?" "And what evidence is there?" Orpheus asks and looks to me with a smug expression but I pay him no attention, "other than your daughter's words." My father maintains his calm and says, "The country that held the investigations took one of your people and put them to death for their crimes so we are upholding that same sentence for Kyle since he committed similar if not worse crimes."

Finally Free!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora