Off to the Gamboge Forests

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I stare into space as my stomach churns and the food I did not eat appears to be stuck at the top of my throat. I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet a little as I feel physically sick from that disgusting letter.

I sit on the bathroom floor and rock myself back and forth until I hear the maids coming to gather the bags that were packed last night so as to travel this afternoon. I quickly compose myself, let them in and then dress up for the day ahead.

Once it is time to leave everyone bids me goodbye, but Ciril and Marigold seem tense as they watch me leave in my carriage, so I give them a reassuring smile. I soon notice that Radley is sitting beside me and I just lay on his lap, drifting into a restless sleep.

Once the sun starts to set, I wake up to find that we are crossing the river on a bridge.

Radley looks at me with concern, "You okay? I thought you would never wake up." I nod, "Yeah, I am fine. Just tired."

After some time of sitting in silence, I look at him and sigh as I pull out the letter I found. He gets the message and does not say a word about the topic, but he does not seem happy about the situation and I know exactly what we will need to do.

We both fall asleep once we are across the river until the morning sun shows its face. It will only be a few more hours before we arrive in Gamboge, so we get ready to look presentable once we arrive to be greeted by all the nobles.

Once we arrive, we find that Duke Citrus, Duchess Nerola and Duke Lantana had left one day earlier to make sure everything was prepared for our arrival. As we exit, they bow and curtsy along with the other nobles then they all come to greet us.

The Marquess and the Countess greet us first then the Viscount introduces the Viscountess. Then the Baroness introduces the Baron as well as her children Hale, Oberon and Azalea who are all heirs to future positions in the Gamboge family as well as their younger brother who is at home.

Once that is over, we get the day to settle in and then the ball will be the next day.

Radley and I are in our room watching the maids unpacking the bags into the cupboards. Once they leave, he gives me a look.

"Your father needs to know about this," he says seriously. "You know," I say seriously, "all I ever talk to my family about is my problems and it never seems to end. One day, I would like to give them some good news even it is bad for me." He laughs as we walk to my parents room and ask to talk to my father.

My father walks out and I hand him the letter then I say, "One day, I hope to give you some good news." He laughs, "Believe me that doesn't come by very often when you are royalty." I sigh as he reads the letter and nods.

"Anthurium," my father says kindly, "stay with Radley, with Kris and with your guards at all times. I think I know what he means but it has not happened yet."

He smiles at me as he goes back to resting and Radley and I head back to our room.

After some time, my stomach growls. "Didn't we just eat lunch?" he asks and I laugh, "Must be my periods. I usually get extra hungry. Wanna come?" He nods so we go to the kitchen and grab some sandwiches that were given at lunch then head to the gardens that are filled with wildflowers as the forest trees surround the borders of the home.

As we sit down amongst the flowers, my guards watch on from a distance as I eat the sandwiches by myself.

Radley smiles at me. "What?" I ask him and he just laughs. I just let him watch me eat and then we go to the room to rest as the next day will be filled with festivities.

I wake up in the middle of the night and feel a wave of nausea, but I assume it must be my period that is due any day now, so I head back to bed.

Once the morning sun shines on us, I wake up and have a shower. I vomit a little but I brush it off and try to pick out a dress.

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