Azure Traditions

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The following day, everyone makes their way to breakfast.

Once it is over, everyone is escorted to the stables to discuss the activity of the day so far as it depends how long it will take.

As I walk from the dining hall to the outdoors, I notice the greenery and the river nearby. The one side of the river is filled with trees while the other side has a meadow as far as can be seen.

As soon as we enter the stables, I see a variety of beautiful horses rearing to go.

"Today," Duke Wolf says loudly to gain everyone's attention, "we will have a race from the top of the river in the Azure land until this house, the entrance of it, to be exact." "We will choose horses randomly for everyone," Duchess Lotus continues, "so it is fair for everyone. The one winning proves themselves and will be known to others as well. Tomorrow, the activity will take all day and we will go by horseback to the forest area. The following day you are free to roam about and go through the town. The next activity, will take some preparation for your team and on the sixth day, we will race across the raging river. Then we will see you off until seeing each other at Sable once again."

Everyone starts taking numbers and those numbers give the horses that will be prepared then we make our way to get dressed.

After getting dressed, I look at Kris.

"I do not know how to ride that well," I say seriously, "how will I deal with a hard horse which is guaranteed?" "Firstly, it is not guaranteed," Kyle says kindly, "secondly, just hold on for dear life and direct the horse along the river." I smile and nod nervously, "Yeah, you are too positive."

Soon, we make our way downstairs to get the horses we have to ride towards the end of the river and then race back to the Duke's home.

"So," Duke Wolf says with excitement, "Marquess of Azure, you have the Barb horse type. The grey one which I only have two of so do not lose my horse." The Marquess chuckles heartily. "Also," Duchess Lotus continues for her husband, "Baron Tobin, you have the other one." The young boy sighs deeply and gets on the horse. I assume this is a challenging horse for a thirteen-year-old.

Duke Wolf looks at the next horses coming out and then says, "Marchioness, you are the only one with the Norwegian Fjord. I know you will not lose this precious one."

Duchess Lotus laughs and says, "Viscount and Duchess Nerola, you have the American Quarter horse while the Viscountess, me, Lord Rome and Princess Magnolia have the Connemara Pony. It is a beautiful horse."

Duke Wolf looks at his wife with a smile, "Viscount Amell and King Peony, you have the Appaloosa. A spotted beauty it is. The Australian Brumbies horse goes to me and Countess."

"The Thoroughbred horse goes to Count Chester," Duchess Lotus smiles and says kindly, "whereas the Arabian horses go to Baroness, Duke Citrus and Baron of Aureolin."

"Right," Duke Wolf continues, "the beautiful Shire horses go to Prince Aster, Duchess Gula and Duke Lantana whereas the Mustang goes to Baroness of Aureolin."

"Those left are the Akhal-Teke that goes to the Queen and then the Przemalski goes to Princess Anthurium and the Count."

We start walking towards the end of the river in the area of Azure then we line up and then the race begins.

My horse takes off really quickly as do many others but some are struggling behind like me.

From last, I watch as Duke Lantana struggles to get out from behind the Baroness of Azure who is struggling to control her horse.

I swerve past them and come across the Duke and the Marchioness as the Duke struggles for control and blocks the Marchioness from going past much like the previous duo.

The Countess and Duke Citrus compete with each other as their horses urge each other on but I make it past them.

The Count is ahead of his wife as they argue about their marriage being ruined by this competition. I giggle as the Viscountess shakes her head while trying to get past Magnolia but the horses seem to like each other.

I see my father and my mother competing with each other fiercely as I make my way past them.

I pass Count Chester and try to make my way past the Baroness but in front of her there is Viscount Amell who is effectively stopping her from going past so much so that I cannot possibly try to overtake.

From what I can tell, the Duchess, Gula, Rome, Baron of Aureolin, Aster, Marquess, Viscount, Tobin and Nerola are infront of him but I cannot tell their positions.

I almost make it past but fail almost losing my twelfth position but as I arrive at the home I feel like a failure.

I get off the horse and everyone gathers in the home as dark clouds have started to gather and the sky is rumbling loudly.

I sit down in the dining hall and watch as a man comes in to disclose the positions.

24th- Duke Lantana
23rd- Baroness
22nd- Duke Wolf
21st- Marchioness
20th- Duke Citrus
19th- Countess
18th- Count
17th- Viscountess
16th- Princess Magnolia
15th- King Peony
14th- Queen Rose
13th- Count Chester
12th- Princess Anthurium
11th- Baroness of Aureolin
10th- Viscount Amell
9th- Duchess Lotus
8th- Lord Rome
7th- Duchess Gula
6th- Baron of Aureolin
5th- Marquess
4th- Prince Aster
3rd- Viscount
2nd- Duchess Nerola
1st- Baron Tobin

"Okay," Duke Wolf says, "settle down everyone. Firstly, some of you had harder horses than others which can account for misgivings but Baron Tobin deserves his place as a thirteen-year-old with a hard horse like he had. It is truly respectable. Duchess Nerola and Viscount had easy horses and with their experience I'm not surprised at all. Prince Aster as well." Duchess Lotus smiles and continues, "Marquess, Duchess Gula and Lord Rome had it easy with their horses as well but Baron of Aureolin has experience though he did a great job. I did terribly honestly with such an easy horse. The Baroness of Aureolin, also, did very well as she does not have access to horses often in her territory."

Duke Wolf smiles and looks at me, "Princess Anthurium has barely trained and has achieved 12th place on the hardest horse, I believe, because that horse type is so wild that not even I ride them that often and I said to myself that the first person to get higher than me in those rankings with that type of horse would get the horse as a gift so it is yours Princess Anthurium." I smile, "Thank you. May I ask how you placed?" "Last," he says kindly and laughs, "as for those after that had easy horses, you need to train harder."

Duke Lantana is soaked in river water as he glares at everyone around him. The Count and Countess are arguing and Magnolia is glaring daggers at me as she had an easy horse but placed so low as did my father.

My father looks at me with pride as does my mother but I notice that some are still leaning towards Aster because he placed higher and not taking into consideration that he has more experience and an easier horse. I sigh deeply as everyone disperses.

I make my way into the pouring rain without my guards beside me and I notice Baron Tobin sitting alone drenched as he sobs.

"What is going on?" I run to him and ask out of concern. He looks at me with fear, "Your Highness..." I stop him, "What happened?" "It was just Duke Lantana, Your Highness." "Tell me," I say seriously. "He was saying that I am just a Baron and proving my worth will not mean anything since no one wants my rank at all." "But you are smart are you not?" I ask him politely. "I am 21," he says shyly. "So you are smart," I say proudly, "do not let rank stop you from being successful because if I did that then I would not be here today." He smiles at me and nods, running inside enthusiastically.

I follow him into the Duke's home and go to my room to have a warm shower, dress and get ready for dinner so that I can prepare for the next event.

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