The Town of Aureolin

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Marigold and Ciril are right there looking at me hopefully. Radley is waiting outside as they asked to talk to me alone but I just stare at them.

"You want me to what?" I ask them with worry in my expression. "Please," Marigold says hopefully, "ask your father if my child can be as if your own until it is old enough to protect itself." "Okay," I say seriously so as to get an idea of what I need to do, "so you will stay in Sable with the royal family until you give birth and Ciril will visit. After the child is born, I will be their guardian and you guys will visit them until they are of legal age."

I look at them for confirmation and they nod as they hold each other tightly. "That's if the child even makes it to that point," Ciril says honestly.

"I have to talk to Radley," I say seriously, "my husband, because it affects him as well." They tense but nod nonetheless so I go outside to call him.

Once he is with us, I tell him the whole story and Radley just looks at me. "Can we discuss this and get back to you?" Radley asks as he looks at me and they nod while I give them a reassuring smile.

"Radley," I say kindly, "I know it is a lot to ask but I will not be caring for the child the whole time. I will just be protecting it till they are eighteen." "What about...Aella? And what about our own children?" Radley says with concern lacing his words. "It will not affect anything," I say reassuringly, "I am sure Marigold will stay behind to care for it most of the time anyways." He nods, "I worry that we will be caring for more children then we can handle." I shake my head, "Any children brought into our home will be cared for like our own but obviously we will spend time with them as much as we would our own. Aella is different though. She has no one."

"Look," Radley says kindly, "I don't mind helping them all but think about it. If we find out that Aella is Lavender's then her family will want them." I nod, "I know that but she would still mean everything to me." Radley nods, "I just want to make sure that you are thinking this through with all the possible downfalls." I smile at him, "I did now so thanks." He hugs me tightly.

"Earlier I was going to say that I will make sure you are involved in everything so that it never feels like too much," I say kindly and he kissed my forehead.

Once the evening ends and turns into a bright day, we make out way down the stairs to eat breakfast along with the rest of the nobles.

Marigold and Ciril keep glancing at me while I give them reassuring smiles every single time. Radley squeezes my hand but I look at my father with worry as I wonder what he will say.

Ciril stands up and looks at everyone with a fake smile, "Today we will be going into the countryside to explore and you can freely go anywhere until our event tomorrow then another day off to just do whatever anyone likes. We will then go work in the fields and gather food for the poor just to show our support for them." Everyone nods as they make their way to their rooms to get dressed.

I give my father a look and he just seems to know so he makes his way to his room. Radley and I follow so that we can talk to him in privacy.

"What is it now, Anthurium?" my father says with a smile, "it never seems like we can just talk normally." "Well," I say seriously, "I am new here and figuring things out that I feel you should know about so Duke Ciril and Duchess Marigold have told me an interesting story. I just hope that you will understand my side." I end up telling him everything he needs to know and he just sighs, looking at me.

"You realise we cannot protect everyone, right?" he says kindly and I nod. "It's not for forever," I say kindly, "it is just to care for the child temporarily. It is likely that Duchess Marigold will want to stay with her child anyways." He nods and sighs, "Fine but not till they are eighteen. Once they turn thirteen, everything changes so we will keep them till then and we will protect their title till then because I know the person who is supposed to take over will be about twenty at the time that the child turns thirteen." I nod because I know that I am pushing the limits of his kindness as it is.

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