Chapter 25

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I'd spent the day in the archives. The dwarves apparently weren't big readers beyond the Dwarf Sutra-because the archives contained very few books. Loose leaves and crumbling scrolls were heaped on cobweb draped shelves. I'd barely concealed my horror at the state of everything, scrunching up my nose when a rat skittered across the table.

A whimper escaped my throat as I thought back to seeing that large fat rodent scurrying about sniffing at breadcrumbs left over from Balin's breakfast. Hours had passed since my harrowing encounter, and it still gave me the willies.

Rodents and Spiders made my skin crawl.

Shaking my head, I returned to the present and carefully picked my way over a mountain of gold toward the mountain entrance. All the dwarves were gathered, staring into the dark.

"What's going on?" I asked Bilbo who stood at the back of the group.

The Hobbit combed his bangs out of his eyes and sighed. "The people of Laketown are camping in the remains of Dale."

Torches bobbed in the distance, casting the charred and barren walls of the city in an ominous pool of orange light. The shadows were thick but even so I could just make out movement in the ruins.

Fili overheard our conversation, his expression stoic. "There's only one reason they'd come here."

I folded my arms across my chest and nodded. Yep. They needed the money Thorin promised to rebuild their town after Smaug's attack.

Since the Company stirred up the dragon in the first place and Smaug destroyed their homes, I believed they were owed their share of the treasure.

"The gold." Thorin whispered hoarsely. ""

I tensed at the avarice in his tone.

The Dwarf King strolled slowly over to a pair of boulders and peered through the night; his gaze unfocused. "Those who have survived dragon fire should rejoice! There are few who can claim to have done so."

My eyes stung with moisture. Thorin's callous words were a knife to my heart. Nervous glances shot around the dwarves.

"Thorin, shall we not keep our word? They are in need because of our actions." Kili ventured. "We owe them for the devastation we brought upon them."

It was a mistake. Rage twisted Thorin's mouth. "Owed? I did not succeed here only to bargain away my birthright!" He gestured sharply. "No nephew, the treasure is ours."

A tear rolled down my cheek. He was so fucked up right now. He didn't even sound like himself. Those poor people had lost everything, and he did not care.

Thorin noticed. "What troubles you, athane?"

Fili and Kili glanced at me and did a double take at my appearance.

"Y-you're hair..."Kili sputtered, brown eyes wide.

I touched a braid woven along my left temple. "Thorin decided to play hairstylist last night." Studying the brothers, I had the impression I'd missed something significant.

Fili and Kili stared at each other at a loss for words.

" I missing something guys?"

"Well..." Kili began, unusually hesitant. "Among dwarves braiding a dwarrowdam's hair is one of the most intimate acts a suitor might commit."

"What are you saying?"

"What is going on here?" Eyes narrowed with suspicion, Thorin inserted himself between me and his nephews. "Fili, Kili, I have glad tidings for the line of Durin. We will soon crown Adelaide Queen Under The Mountain. I will take her to wife and we will usher in a new era for the glory of Erebor."

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