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( short chapter)

Y/ns pov

I woke up, my room was dark and silent. I sat up and looked around, something was wrong.

I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed my phone from the counter beside me , the time was 4:28 am.

I turned on my torch and looked around the room , something felt off . Extremely off.

I looked at my closet, the door was slightly opened . I gulped and walked over slowly .

I opened the door fully and saw a camera in the bottom of the closet 

I picked it up, it was on and recording

I quickly flipped off the camera and threw it out of my window, this was dads doing.  It had to be , he didn't like me and aidans relationship from the start.

" y/n" said aidan grogily " what's up?"

" oh, nothing. Just thought I heard something, that's all" I lied

" ok, can you turn  off your torch and come cuddle?" He asked with a yawn

I smiled gently, turned off my torch and laid down next to him

He ran his hands up and down my body, trying to find my face so he could kiss me in the pitch dark

" there you are" he cupped my cheeks " mwah"

" sorry I woke you up" I sighed "I was just freaked out"

" it's ok, I adore cuddling in the dark " he replied

He was so .fucking. cute.

" so do I baby " I buried my face in his chest

I began to doze off , but thoughts kept running through my head about the camera. Making it impossible for me to do so .

" you ok? You sound distressed. Your breathing has gotten faster and so has your heartrate" Aidan said

" yeah... I'm just anxious about the party thing. I haven't had to face paparazzi since I moved to france" that was partially true, I was nervous about that.

" no need to be worried, I wont let anyone touch you, ok?" He hugged me tight

" yeah " I nodded while he kissed the top of my head gently

" you should get some sleep, we can talk about it in the morning if you want to " he hummed

" ok, see you in the morning, love you baby" I smiled

" love you too darling "

And with that I finnaly fell asleep

aidan Gallagher x y/n Where stories live. Discover now