Trouble at school pt2

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We made our way to the district and was greeted by Trudy at the desk
Trudy: chuckles and chuckles jr
Both: Sarge
We both made our way to the bullpen and was greeted by everyone. Hank called my dad into his office.
Donte: Oo someone in trouble
We all started laughing and even Hank Voight smiled. Dad and Hank walked into the office.
Adam: This is the first time I've seen him smile
Donte: what can I say I bring the best out in everyone
Adam: yeah yeah whatever kid
Adam rolled his eyes jokingly and we all laughed again

Jays pov
Jay: Hank
Hank: How's the kid
I show him the report.
Hank: Damn
Jay: Tell me about it. He seems to be getting worse. Everything seems to be a challenge with him especially homework.
Hank: He reminds me of a certain someone.
Jay: I know that's what I'm mean. He behaves the same way I did.
Hank: you can say that again. Have you spoken to the school?
Jay: Yeah but they keep refusing to refer him for the test. I don't know what to do.
Hank: I guess keep pushing the school for the referral.
Jay: Yeah I guess.
We head out to the bullpen.

Donte pov
I see dad and Hank come out to the bullpen.
Dad: Hey Donnie
Donte: we going home?
Dad: Not yet. Homework?
Donte: Nope
Dad: okay just sit at my desk my iPad should be there
Donte: yesss
Dad: don't tell your mum I let you have screen time
Donte: No problemo
Dad laughed and shook his head. It was an hour later and I was losing interest in the iPad.
Donte: Dad
He ignored me
Ignored me again
I did this for around five minutes
Adam: Jay just answer him for gods sake.
Donte: yeah dad
Dad: fine what Donte
Donte: um i forgot
Dad: seriously kid
Donte: you should have answered the first time.
Adam: yeah Jay
Dad: Adam don't encourage him
Me and Adam started laughing. I then realised that the chair moves and spins. I was zooming up and down the bullpen
Dad: Donte stop you're gonna get hurt
Donte: one more
I heard dad let out a sigh. He knew I was gonna do it no matter what he said. I did it one last time. This time I reached the stairs and couldn't stop myself
Donte: ah shit
I went crashing down the stairs. Luckily I didn't hurt my self just a few bruises.
Donte: Fuck shoulda listened
I made my way back up to the bullpen with the chair.
Dad: learnt your lesson?
Donte: think so
Antonio then walked in
Donte: hey Antonio is Diego coming?
Antonio: not sure maybe after school
Donte: ugh but that's in another two hours im gonna die of boredom.
I went over to Adam.
Donte: Hey Adam want to help me break Diego out of school?
Antonio: Don't even think about it
Donte: your no fun
Adam: sorry kiddo guess the plans busted
Everyone laughed.
Donte: dad im bored
Dad: Donnie
Donte: bored
Dad: read a book
Donte: da fuck
Dad: oi
Donte: my bad
I rolled the chair over to Al
Donte: Hey Al
Al: What's up kid
Donte: bored
Al: I can tell
Donte: where's Erin, Kim and Kevin ?
Dad: visiting CIs
Dad pulled my chair back to his desk
Donte: Bye Al
Al smiled
Al: see ya kid
1hr later Erin Kim and Kevin came back. Kim went over and kissed Adam.
Donte: Eww child present by the way. Get a room. I don't need to see this.
Everyone laughs but dad
Dad hit me upside the head.
Donte: ow what the hell?
Dad: what have I told you?
I shrugged my shoulders
Dad: think before you speak
Donte: my bad sorry
Adam: don't worry kid
I start talking to everyone which leads to them not doing their paperwork.

Jays pov
He's getting bored so is now talking to everyone which is distracting them from their paperwork. I notice Hank watching them and I signal towards Donte. Somehow Hank knows what I mean and calls for him.

Hank Pov
I look out into the bullpen and see Donte talking to everyone. I like seeing him happy like this but I need them to work. Jay signals towards Donte and I nod my head. I walk out my office to the bullpen.
Hank: tigger come here
He rolled his eyes at the nickname. I gave him this nickname when he was about 4. He was always quite hyper and bouncy. He was always on the move. He sure did keep Jay and Rebecca on there toes.
Donte: yeah?
Hank: get your coat
Donte: why?
Hank: we are going out
He gets his coat and follows me down the stairs.
We make our way towards the door until Trudy begins speaking
Trudy: where you going?
Donte: Hank kidnapped me
I let out a chuckle
Hank: course I did. We're gonna get food.
Trudy: have fun
Donte: I won't
We went to the car and made our way to a diner. We were driving in silence until Donte began to speak.
Donte: I'm sorry for distracting everyone I didn't mean to
Hank: it's okay kiddo I know you didn't.
Donte: I really did try but I got too bored
Hank: I understand kiddo
We sat in silence for a bit until he spoke up again
Donte: Can I ask you something?
Hank: Sure kid
Donte: do you think dad's disappointed in me?
Hank: of course not. Why'd you ask?
Donte: I can never do anything right. I feel like I'm always letting him down.
Hank: your dad will never be disappointed in you. Listen kid you could never let him down. You and your brother are his greatest achievements and he is so proud of yous.
Donte: you think?
Hank: of course. He never stops talking about how proud he is of the both of you and how his favourite time in the week is watching you boys play.
Donte: thanks Hank
Hank: any time kiddo. How's school?
Donte: you know how school is so why are you asking? I'm sure dad tells you all the time.
Hank: yeah he does but I want to hear it from you.
Donte: schools fine
Hank: Donte
Donte: Hank
Hank: I know schools not fine so just tell me
Donte: it's such bullshit. Everything seems so difficult.
Hank: what do you mean kid?
Donte: Well homework for example. The teachers don't see how hard I try they only see the half tried attempt. My handwriting doesn't make it any better it looks like a little kid wrote it. Mama does her best to help me and so does dad depending on whether he takes his meds.
I feel bad for the kid. He has always been labelled the trouble maker but surely if he liked causing trouble then he wouldn't feel guilty about his actions. There is clearly a reason as to why he does the things he does. He struggles massively with things we would find easy especially if he doesn't find it interesting or it's not something he likes.
Hank: what's your dad like when he forgets his meds?
Donte: it's funny cause he'll forget to do things or go from one thing to the next. Like last week he was doing the laundry and for some reason one of my basketballs were in there so he brought it out to the front garden. That reminds me we are actually gonna compete for the nationals this year. We have to win most of our games in our division and then we go through to the playoffs and if we go well we go to nationals.
Hank: That's good I'll try and watch as many games as I can. Donte we're getting off track
Donte: sorry what was I saying?
Hank: about your dad being off meds
Donte: oh yeah anyways I was already out just shooting and then dad joined in and we played 1 vs 1. We were out for hours until mama interrupted to remind dad about the laundry.
I nodded and focused on the road.
Donte: hey Hank?
Hank: yeah
Donte: why'd you bring me out?
Hank: Me and your dad could see you getting restless so I brought you out with me I know how boring the district can be.
Donte: thank you
Hank: by the time you get back it'll be time to go home
Donte: okay
We arrived at the diner, ordered and started eating. While eating Donte had zoned out.

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