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Donte: 13/Jay: 33
After Mama
All Donte pov
After mama died Dad started drinking again. I try to avoid him as much as I can and me and Liam just keep to ourselves. When I wake up for school he is normally sleeping making it easy to stay away. Today however he decided to get a head start on the drinking. It was only 7am.
Donte: have you not got work?
Dad: Nope
Dad pulled me into a hug and began mumbling words I couldn't understand. He was already drunk. The awful stench of alcohol on his breath was enough to tell you.
Donte: Dad
I tried to pull away but he held me tighter.
Dad: not yet. I love you so much kiddo
His words were slurred.
Donte: Dad I need to go I got school
He let go and I ran upstairs to get ready and I rushed out the door. I made my way to school even though it doesn't start for another hour. I arrived and made my way to the basketball court. I spent the rest of my time taking shot, three pointers and layups until coach walked in.
Coach: Halstead
Donte: coach
Coach: what you doing here?
Donte: thought I'd get some practice in
Coach: mhm. Get showered and changed your lesson starts in 10 minutes.
I went and got freshened up. On my way to class I saw Liam
Liam: you okay?
Donte: mhm
Liam: you left early
Donte: mhm
Liam: dad was drunk again
Donte: that's why I left I couldn't do it. I even forgot my meds
Liam: ah shit you gonna be alright today?
Donte: I'll try
Liam: okay if you need me call me
Donte: mhm
I went to class. English. Yayyy. Not
Donte: sorry im late miss
Mrs Boden: it's fine take a seat
I sat down and fell asleep. I only got a couple hours sleep due to the nightmares and dad blasting music cause he had friends round. I slept to the end of class.
Mrs Boden: hey Donte wait a sec
Donte: hmm
Mrs Boden: is everything okay?
Donte: fine
Mrs Boden: you never normally fall asleep in lesson
Donte: My meds are affecting my sleep cause I took them late last night
Mrs Boden: alright
The rest of the day went the same. Me basically falling asleep. Today I had practice.
Coach: Halstead
Donte: yeah
Coach: is everything ok? Your teachers have been telling me you have been falling asleep in your lessons
Donte: it's fine I just haven't been able to sleep properly my meds are messing with my sleep
Coach: you sure?
Donte: mhm just leave it
Coach: I'm here if you need to talk
Donte: mhm
Practice finished at 5 and I took the long way home hoping Dad might have passed out on the sofa. I messaged Liam.
Donte: you at home?
Liam: yeah I'm in my room dad passed out
Donte: okay I'm on my way back
Liam: okay
I reached the house and walked through the door. I accidentally slammed the door waking dad up.
Dad: (slurred) what the fuck
Donte: sorry
Dad: (slurred) go get me a beer please son
Donte: you've already had four but whose counting
Dad: (slurring) why did I get a call from school?
Donte: how would I know I didn't answer the phone did I?
Dad: (slurring) I've had just enough of you
Donte: I'm not too fond of you either dad
Dad: (slurring) why did your mum have to leave me with a hyperactive little shit like you. You and your brother are ruining my life.
Donte: and your nothing but a loser. Always talking about how crap your life is. What about us tho ey? We lost our mum but no it's always poor old Jay. You know how much I hate this place. Seeing your miserable face everyday. I wish it was you that died not mum. I hate you I fucking hate you.
Dad threw me against the wall then I hit the floor.
Dad: (slurring) I've had enough of you
Dad started laying into me each punch and kick getting harder. Liam ran downstairs and just stood in the doorway
Donte: Help please
Liam just stood there staring. Dad finally had enough and went to grab another beer. I stood up and stumbled upstairs pushing past Liam
Liam: Donte wait
I got to my room and phoned Kelly. My vision was going blurry and my head was pounding and felt weird
Kelly: hello
Donte : h-hurt
Kelly: What do you mean hurt? Where's Liam?
Donte: watch
Kelly: bud your not making sense
Donte: home
Kelly: what happened bud?
Donte: (slurred) hurt. Head weird. Sleep
Kelly: ah shit no no bud I need you to stay awake for me
Donte: m try
The pounding got worse and everything went black.

Kelly pov
What the hell happened? Why can he barely string together a sentence?
Kelly: Chief I have to go somethings up with Donte and I can't get through to Jay
Chief: I'll get someone to fill in. Let me know if you need more time.
Kelly: thanks chief
I got to the Halsteads and knocked on the door. No answer. I pulled down the door handle and the door opened. They left the door unlocked.
Kelly: Donte, Liam, Jay?
I walked in and Jay was passed out on the couch with empty bottles of beer beside him and Liam was nowhere to be seen. There was blood all over the wall and carpet. What the hell did he do? I ran upstairs to Donte's room and he was convulsing on the floor. His eyes were rolled back. His arms and legs were shaking and jerking. His breathing was weird and struggled and he looked ghostly pale. I put a pillow under his head. Bloodied saliva trailed down his face.
Kelly: hey bud it's Kelly I'm here. Everything's okay.
The seizure died down to just twitches until he suddenly went limp. I rolled him onto his side. It took about 10 minutes for him to come to.
Kelly: hey bud
He looked at me very confused and tried to get up. I laid him back down but he kept trying to push me away and fight it.
Kelly: No no bud it's okay it's Kelly
Donte: k-kel
Kelly: yeah bud how you feeling?
Donte: sleep
Kelly: one sec bud I need to check you over
Donte: 'm fine sleep now
Kelly: okay bud but imma stay here with you just incase
I put him in his bed and he fell asleep instantly. I took the chair from his desk and sat beside his bed. I heard the front door close and footsteps up the stairs. Liam stood in the doorway
Liam: how is he?
Kelly: What the hell happened?
Liam: they got into a shouting match and then I heard a thud. I came downstairs and dad was just punching and kicking him. He was full on stamping. H-he asked m-me for help. I stood there Kelly. I just stood there and I did nothing.
I stood up and followed him into his room
Kelly: it's not your fault kid. Your both too young to be dealing with this. It's normal for you to freeze in a situation like that
Liam: I wanted to help him but my brain wouldn't let me. I physically couldn't move. I'm supposed to protect him especially when dads like this
Kelly: how long has he been drinking?
Liam: he's always had a problem but mama and uncle Will helped him. It got worse after mama died. Way worse. He never used to lay a hand on us when he was drunk but now I don't know what's changed. It's like he doesn't recognise us and when he's done he doesn't realise what he's done and goes and gets another beer
Kelly: why didn't you tell anyone?
Liam: we'd get taken into care. They'd split us up. How bad is it?
Kelly: I'm not sure but when he rang me he could barely speak. I walked into his room and he was having a seizure. When it ended are asked to check him over but he just wanted to sleep. I'd say he definitely has a concussion. Right go to sleep kid you have school tomorrow
I went back to Dontes room and sat in the chair. I couldn't sleep cause I was worried he'd have another seizure so I stayed up most of the night

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now