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Donte: 12/ Liam: 14/ Jay: 32/ Rebecca: 33
Me and Liam were playing soccer in the garden. I was in goal and Liam was taking shots against me.
Donte: Shoot from there
Liam shot and I saved it. He was taking shots against me for about 30 minutes until the ball went flying through the kitchen window.
Donte: Nice shot idiot
Liam: Shut the fuck up
Dad and mama came rushing outside and they looked beyond pissed
Liam: Donte kicked the ball and broke the window
Donte: What the fuck no I didn't
Liam: you did
Donte: How the fuck can I do it if I'm in goal
Liam: No you weren't I was
Mama: Donte go to your room
Donte: no it wasn't me
Mama: Donte now
Donte: no it wasn't my fucking fault
Dad: hey watch your language
Donte: it wasn't me
Mama: Donte I'm not playing go to your room
Donte: fucking bullshit
I stormed up to Liam and went to swing for him but before I could dad grabbed me. He then took me to my room.
Dad: your gonna stay in here until we say you can leave
Donte: fuck off
Dad then left. How the fuck am I getting the blame. It was Liam and his dumbass that did it. Why don't they believe me? I was getting angrier and angrier to the point I just exploded. I threw everything off my shelves. I threw what ever I could at the wall. I ripped the posters off the wall. I put a hole through my door and I punched the wall. Dad must of heard because he ran up the stairs into my room and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't do anything else.
Dad: calm down buddy
Donte: get the fuck off me
Dad: hey
Donte: get off me
Dad: hey hey it's okay
Donte: let me go
Liam then walked into my room and when I saw him I just saw red. I lunged at him and began punching him.
Donte: you fucking son of a bitch
Dad: get off your brother now
Mama heard all the shouting and rushed upstairs.
Mama: Donte William Halstead what do you think your doing?
Dad pulled me off Liam and I walked out my room.
Donte: i fucking hate it here and I hate you
I ran out of the house and ran to Kellys

Jays pov
What the hell just happened? He rarely gets that angry.
Jay: imma go look for him
Rebecca: leave him to cool off
We went downstairs to speak to Liam
Jay: Liam what happened outside?
Liam: I was taking shots against him and the ball went through the window
Jay: Liam
Liam: hmm
Jay: did you break the window?
Liam: er no
Jay: I'm gonna ask again and if you don't tell me the truth you're not gonna like what happens next. Did you break the window?
Liam: fine it was me
Rebecca: so you thought it was okay to blame your brother
Liam: I didn't want to get into trouble
Jay: you didn't want to get in trouble really? Well now you're in more trouble
Liam: what
Jay: not only did you break the window but you blamed it on your brother and tried to lie your way out of it.
Rebecca: you're grounded for 2 weeks and no phone or PlayStation.
Liam: that's not fair
Jay: should've thought about that before you blamed your brother
Liam then stormed up to his room.
Jay: now I understand why he was so pissed
Rebecca: we should have let him explain
Jay: nothing we can do now
I head my phone ring. It was kelly
Jay: Hello
Kelly: Jay Dontes with me I'll drop him back in a while
Jay: how is he?
Kelly: beyond pissed
Jay: damn tell him I'll speak to him when he's back
Kelly: okay bye
Jay: bye
I ended the phone
Jay: Dontes with kelly he's drop him back in a bit

Dontes pov
I knocked on Kelly's door and waited for someone to answer. Shay answered.
Shay: Hey kiddo
Donte: Is kelly in?
Shay: yeah he is. Come in. You okay?
Donte: mhm
I made my way in. Kelly was standing at the kitchen island. He could see that I was angry.
Kelly: what's up bud?
Donte: Liam ball window trouble
Kelly: hey slow down kid
Donte: I-
I began to feel suffocated and my chest was tightening.
Donte: breathe hurt
Kelly: hey your okay. Follow my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. There you go.
My breathing returned to normal
Kelly came towards me and held me in a hug. At this point I was so angry that I just broke down.
Kelly: hey kiddo what happened?
Donte: Liam broke the window and blamed it on me. Mama and dad didn't believe me so I got angry and smashed up my room then had a fight with Liam and came here. They all hate me now
Kelly: they don't hate you
Donte: they do I said that I hated them
Kelly: and do you?
Donte: of course not
Kelly: well then. We all say things we don't mean when we're mad. We just have to apologise to them.
Donte: okay
Kelly: how about I drop you back home
Donte: mhm bye shay
Shay: see ya kiddo
Kelly dropped me home
Donte: I'm sorry. I don't hate you
Dad: it's okay and we're sorry for not believing you.
Liam: I'm sorry for putting the blame on you
Donte: I'm sorry for punching you
We hugged and made up.
I whispered to Liam
Donte: I'm still pissed at you
Liam: I know

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now