Alcohol pt2

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The next morning
I could feel someone shaking my shoulder. I woke up and it was Donte.
Donte: Kelly
Kelly: hey kid
Donte: what are you doing here?
Kelly: you rang me yesterday and you was in a bad way. Do you not remember?
Donte: er no
Kelly: How do you feel?
Donte: my head is pounding and my body is achy
Kelly: you did have a seizure yesterday
Donte: oh makes sense
Kelly: what happened?
Donte: nothing
Kelly: it didn't look like nothing when I walked in.
Donte: me and Liam got in a fight
Kelly: mhm
I knew he was lying because Liam had already told me what happened. He obviously doesn't want to talk so I'm just gonna leave it. If I push him to talk he's just gonna get irritated and angry and I've seen how that works out so imma just avoid that situation.
Kelly: you wanna go to school or come to the firehouse
Donte: school
Now I knew something was up. He would never pick school over going to the firehouse.
Kelly: alright well get ready and I'll drop you off and Liam off. We'll stop for breakfast on the way.
Donte: Liams left already
Kelly: oh okay. where's your meds?
Donte: in the basket in the kitchen
Kelly: okay
I went downstairs to get his meds as he has to eat before taken them. Jay was still passed out on the couch.
Kelly: (muttering) for fuck sake Jay
I went and got his meds and waited at the door.

Donte pov
I was carefully getting ready. I settled for just a tracksuit as they were loose and wouldn't irritate me. I slowly put on my socks ignoring the pain shooting up my side. Shoes were a no go so I just chucked on a pair of crocs
After about 10 minutes I made my way downstairs.
Kelly: you ready?
Donte: mhm
Kelly: no bag
Donte: nope
We stopped for breakfast and was on the way to school. We got to the car park before Kelly stopped me
Kelly: meds
Kelly gave me my meds and I took them and started walking towards the building. I walked slow to my home room as I was in so much pain. I walked in with my hood up so no one could see my face
Mr Daniels: your late
Donte: no shit
Mr Daniels: just sit down
I went and sat down next to Diego
Diego: you good?
Donte: mhm
My head was pounding. My hands felt all tingly and I had a weird metallic taste in my mouth. Everything began fading out

Diego pov
Mr Daniels: Donte I asked you a question
Donte didn't answer so I looked over at him and he was just staring into space
I gently nudged him cause I thought he was just zoned out but he didn't respond
Diego: hey Donte
No answer. I now knew what was happening and subtly told sir. After a few seconds he started blinking
Diego: you okay?
Donte: mhm why wouldn't I be?
Diego: nevermind

Donte pov
As the lesson continued I felt more weird and my brain felt kinda fuzzy. My head was pounding more. My hands began to shake a little and the weird taste in my mouth was stronger.
Donte: (slurred a little) sir can i got to the restroom?
Mr Daniels: sure but you've got 2 minutes
Diego: you okay?
Donte: 'm fine
I walked to the restroom and splashed my face with water. After a few minutes everything went black.

Diego pov
Donte was acting weird and was slurring a little. These were all warning signs of a seizure. Dad and Jay had taught me what to look out for and how to help him.
Diego: sir can I go to the restroom
Mr Daniels: when Donte comes back
Diego: but sir I need to go now
Mr Daniels: I said no
I got up and walked out. I went to the restroom and saw Donte seizing on the floor. I took my hoodie off and put it under his head. I then got my phone out and timed it. His eyes were rolled back. His arms and legs were shaking and jerking quickly. His breathing was weird and struggled and he looked ghostly pale. Bloodied saliva trailed down his face. After about 2 minutes the seizure died down until he suddenly went limp. I rolled him onto his side. I went out to see if a teacher was near and luckily coach was walking past
Diego: Coach it's Donte
Coach entered the restroom
Coach: what happened?
Diego: he had a seizure
Coach: I'll call his dad
Diego: his dad won't answer. Call either Kelly, Will or Hank.
Coach: okay. I'll wait for him to wake up first.
It took about 20 minutes for him to come to.
Donte pov
My head was banging and my body was aching. Why was I laying on the floor. I tried to sit up but I was just pushed back down. I was so confused.
Coach: hey kid I need you to stay down for a few minutes
Donte: mhm
Coach: your okay kid
After a few minutes everything seemed clearer
Coach: how you feeling kid?
Donte: tired
Coach: I'll set you up in my office and then I'll get your stuff
Coach helped me up and we walked to his office and I laid down on the couch in there.
Diego: see ya man
Donte: bye
Coach: imma get your stuff and I'll be back
They left and I fell asleep.

Coach's pov
I went and got Dontes things and went back to my office. Donte had fallen asleep. I called Kelly and Will but no one answered. Now Hank
Hank: Sargent Voight Intelligence
Coach: Hi erm I'm Dontes coach from South Chicago Middle School. I'm ringing to let you know that Donte had a seizure today.
Hank: damn okay how is he?
Coach: he's asleep right now
Hank: do I need to come get him?
Coach: No he should be fine I'll ask him when he wakes up
Hank: okay just let me know if he wants collecting
Coach: No problem
Hank: thank you
After about 2 hours he woke up
Coach: hey kid
Donte: Coach
Coach: how do you feel?
Donte: head hurts a little
Coach: you okay to go to lesson or Hank can pick you up?
Donte: it's fine I'll stay
Coach: okay. It's lunch right now you want anything?
Donte: nah I'm good. Im gonna find Diego
Coach: alright just be careful kid
Donte: mhm

Donte pov
I was walking around when I saw Liam.
Liam: Donte
Donte: Fuck off
Liam: how bad is it?
Donte: I'm really not in the mood for your bullshit today
Liam: just tell me
Donte: like you care
Liam: I'm sorry okay
Donte: fuck off
Liam: Donte please
Donte: no your dead to me
I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm.
Donte: get the fuck off me Liam
Liam: Donte listen
Donte: i swear if you don't get off me
He kept hold of my arm so I pushed him then he pushed me back. I started punching him and he punched me back in the ribs
Donte: this is all your fault. You didn't help. You just watched then left.
Liam: I'm sorry
Donte: I hate you. I hate you. You watched him hurt me
We kept punching until I felt someone pull me off.
Coach: Halstead
Donte: get off me
Coach: calm down
Coach pulled me too his office.
Coach: sit
Coach then saw my face.
Coach: Jesus Halstead what happened to your face?
Donte: er got in a fight
Coach: mhm. What was that with Liam?
Donte: nothing okay
Coach: so if I ask Liam he will say the same?
Donte: mhm
Coach then went to speak to Liam and Liam told him about dad.
Coach: you could have talked to me you know
Donte: I'm sorry
Coach: DCFS is gonna have to be involved
Donte: why?
Coach: it's not safe for you anymore
Donte: but I'm fi-
My chest feels like it was on fire. It was beginning to get harder to breathe. I started coughing.
Coach: hey kid you okay?
I started coughing harder and I ended up vomiting blood.
Coach: shit
Coach called 911 and an ambulance was dispatched. My eyes were getting heavy. They felt like weights.
Coach: hey kiddo I need you to keep your eyes open.
I tried my best but it was too much. It was too hard.
Coach: No no kid stay awake for me
I was surrounded by darkness.
I woke up in the back of an ambulance. I look around and see coach and Gabby.
Gabby: hey we need to stop meeting like this D
Donte: my bad
We all laugh. I begin coughing and can't stop.
Gabby: hey D I need you to try and take a deep breath
Donte: c-can't
I cough so hard that I throw up blood again. I went so lightheaded that I just passed out.
When I woke up I was connected to all these different machines and all I felt was pain. I looked to the chair beside my bed and sat there was Coach. Connor walked in with Liam.
Connor: how you feeling kiddo?
Donte: like shit. What happened?
Connor: you had surgery because you had internal bleeding which is why you were vomiting blood.
Donte: oh
Connor: You also have a few broken ribs
Donte: okay
Connor: What happened?
Donte: nothing
Coach: Donte
Donte: everything's fine. It doesn't matter.
Liam: Dad battered him
Connor: is that true Donte?
Donte: n-no it was Liam. He hit me.
Liam: just tell them the fucking truth
Donte: fuck off liam.
Connor: come on kid talk to us
Donte: i told you it was Liam
Liam: stop fucking lying we all know it was dad. I saw it.
As soon as he said that I got so pissed off.
Donte: yeah you fucking stood there and watched.
Connor: so it wasn't Liam
Donte: Fuck
Liam: they were gonna find out
Donte: Fuck off Liam. Why are you even here?
Liam: your my little brother
Donte: oh now you remember
Liam then walked out
Connor: does Will know?
Donte: No
Connor went to tell Will. Will walks in.
Will: you and Liam are gonna stay with either me or Kelly until your dad is better.
Donte: can i stay with Kelly?
Will: Sure trouble
After I was discharged I went to Kelly's. Dad went cold turkey and hasn't drunk in weeks. He apologised but I still didn't feel safe with him so I stayed with Kelly

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now