Surgery went wrong

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*Sly's suite*
Huh? Jewel asked as she felt insulted.
Yeah, like who would not know that you were not sleeping when you open your eyes and even spoke, Sly said.
Where's Caleb, Jewel asked suddenly and Sly answered her harshly;
Don't ask me about Caleb again Jewel.
Okay, Jewel said confused.
But why do I feel like you have a fight with Caleb? Jewel asked.
I said don't ask me about Caleb, Sly replied.
It's no problem, I will just ask Caleb.
And don't go close to Caleb, Sly added.
And who are you to tell me that, Jewel said not knowing where she suddenly got the boldness from.
Then watch as I throw you out, Sly said not knowing what came over him.
Is that a threat? Jewel asked sadly.
Is it because I'm so helpless right now, Jewel asked sobbing.
Sly felt an unexplainable feeling like he was hurt and the fact that he was the cause of her tears hurt him more.
I'm sorry, Sly suddenly said. I don't know what came over me. Sly scolded him self internally like why would he have two fights with her in two consecutive days.
I understand, I will stay away from him, Jewel said and walked out of the suite.
What did I just do?
Has jealousy finally taken over me? Sly asked himself and stayed in the suite thinking he should leave her for a while.
*Sly's Office*
Boss, Can I come in, Caleb asked from outside, hearing no reply, Caleb thought he was busy and came inside.
What a surprise Jewel! Caleb exclaimed on seeing her.
He started walking towards her when Jewel suddenly said;
Don't come close to me.
Wow! Caleb exclaimed after a while still coming towards her and Jewel stood up immediately and said;
Get out. She's really not ready to leave the mansion. Where was she going to stay?
Why? Caleb asked calmly.
Because you lied to me Caleb, Jewel said.
About what? Caleb asked a little confused.
Your looks Caleb, you told me no one ever complimented...
She was caught short with Caleb's laughter.
What's so funny, she asked.
Of course it's funny, Caleb said. Guess the boss told you.
Get out, you aren't even guilty, Sly was right about you. You are deceiving, get out, Jewel said.
I was already leaving, Caleb said and walked out.
Wow! Sly exclaimed and came out of his hiding place then Jewel hugged him.
He smiled and hugged her back.
I won't go near Caleb again, Jewel said.
Hmm, Sly hummed and sat down.
He watched the computer and found out that a surgery was going wrong.
He stood immediately and said;
Will be right back, Jewel and Jewel nodded.
She sat on his chair and watched curiously as Sly went into a ward.

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