I really like you so much

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*Sly's Mansion*
That doesn't makes it right. I am not your patient or other ladies who throw themselves at you, I am Jewel, Jewel said like she was giving a speech.
Remember I gave you that name? Sly said smiling.
Sorry not Jewel, I am uh... Lily, Jewel said.
Really? It seems like you even forgot your name. Em... I think you are just like other ladies since you forgot your name, Sly said annoying her.
Alright fine fine, just get out, Jewel said.
And what if I don't? Sly asked.
Then we will just have to stay like this forever, Jewel said.
Really? You are willing to stay like this forever just so I won't see your nude body? Sly asked unbelievably.
Oh yes, Jewel said sure of herself.
You are aware I could overpower you and loose that towel of yours, Sly said and Jewel stared at him as the realisation hit her.
She held her towel tightly and Sly chuckled for the third time.
Do you really think that's going to work baby girl, Sly asked enjoying every bit of this.
Jeez, just get out pleeeeeese, Jewel cried.
Alright, I will just get out baby girl, Sly said and walked out but not without winking.
I am not a baby girl, Jewel yelled after him.
Yes you are, he yelled back.
So annoying, Jewel muttered as she put on her clothes not wanting him to come in again before she is dressed.
He claims to care about me yet he seems to be enjoying my annoying face, Jewel muttered in wonderment.
She came out to see Sly sitting on the couch waiting for her.
Oh you are here, he said noticing her.
You look good in a female's cloth than my shirt, he said staring at the gown she was putting on.
Jewel blushed lightly remembering what happened between them this morning.
Let's go, he said and held her hand then they walked out of the Mansion to the car.
Hours later, they arrived in front of a company as big as Sly's hospital.
Where is this place? Jewel asked immediately they arrived.
You will soon find out, Sly said not answering her question directly.
They walked into the company and went straight to the secretary.
Hi, Sly greeted and secretary raised her eyes from the computer system that she was doing something on.
On seeing Sly, she drooled.
Oh my God, Mr Tyler, welcome, she said as if Jewel was a shadow.
Who would you like to meet? she asked foolishly.
Like who wouldn't know that he was here to see Mr Kingston.
Was she expecting him to come look for her?
Sly not answering her as the answer was obvious, she said;
"come with me" and they followed her.
Would you like coffee or tea or should I just give you water? you know you usually say it washes our system.
I'm a fan of yours and I really like you so much.

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