opening up

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Monday finally came.
Time flew by pretty quickly.
And I must confess I felt so much comfort in my parents' presence.

Surprisingly I kept thinking about this Artemis guy,his deep voice kept haunting my ears.He should feel lucky for making me feel that type of way.

Our appointment was scheduled for 8pm.
You would ask me why so late.Even i don't know .

And yes I checked his background and felt like a fool for not knowing who he was.He is a well respected ,famous ,supposedly
handsome Businessman.

I reached the location he sent me and wow .This house is definitely the most beautiful one I've ever seen.

This house is definitely the most beautiful one I've ever seen

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I felt endangered and attracted at the same time.Yeah pretty crazy.
I wonder what he looks like,such a living Legend as per his background.

Once inside I knew there was no going back and this thought gave me chills to the bones.
While waiting  in the living room for approximately 5minutes I took the opportunity to contemplate the area.

While waiting  in the living room for approximately 5minutes I took the opportunity to contemplate the area

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"Everything looks exquisite and so clean." Was the sentence i said out loud and I  felt stupid.

The man who let me in came back and asked me to follow him to Mr.Artemis's office.The walk was long as this house is so big but  we walked in silence .

Once in front of the biggest door I've ever seen in my life someone  from inside asked to come in.His voice gave me chills i felt like I would be living my horror movie fantasy if I had one.

Ending all these childish thoughts I came back to my senses and opened   the door...

"You may get seated Dr.Howard"

a deep voice echoed from far across the room.And let me tell you that I was so scared I could have died on spot.
He sat in a big chair in the dark and his face was barely visible.But he seemed to have quite a fit body.I liked the view ...I guess.

"Good evening Mr.Artemis.We will start our meeting by briefly evaluating all matters you wish to tackle during my sessions.If anything does not match with services I offer I will stop you immediately and together we will find a solution to the issue."
I felt his gaze from across the room and it felt exactly the same way as when i felt observed on the rooftop at the restaurant the other day .This was very frustrating.

He did not utter a word until i coughed
I felt like he was analyzing me and it was awkward.

"I understand and i would like to set some rules."
He was a really weird man asking to set rules during MY sessions.Well i would not want to get on his nerves.

He continued,"My problems are my anger issues...I don't know if you've dealt with cases similar to mine,but I tend to become a whole different person when I loose control."

He seemed too calm to have anger issues so i figured out he chose to stay away from people for their own good.
If the calm before the storm was a person ,it would have been him.

"Hmm I see.This is your issue.So I would like to discuss days on which you are free to meet me at my office and the payment program.And side note,the first session is free of charge  so that you evaluate wether it is really helping you or not."

My name came out of his mouth a different way.It felt different.He said it in a way only he could.I was gone. Im not gonna lie It felt nice.

I replied completely flustered.

"Why did you choose to exerce this occupation? if it is not too much to ask."

Sir this is not too much this is the perfect question .I thought about his question and felt the need to answer him honestly and considerately.

"Well,I've always admired people who do social work.Jobs that are not only their source of income but a place where they feel like they are powerful.They have the possibility to help people who have lost hope.Therapists try their best to find a solution to other people's problems even if they don't have one to their own.
They work hard night and day to help another person live a better life ,either leave drugs or get rid of suicidal thoughts.It is hard but when you have the chance to work and do a good deed at the same time,why do anything else.This is your chance to be someone's hero and bring back his happiness ."

I felt so free after sharing this with Artemis.Even if i don't know him I feel like he completely understands me and he listens intently.I appreciate him for that.

"You are a good person.The world is lucky to have you. "
Compliments are nice but coming from him, I felt my cheeks warming up as well as my heart.Im going crazy   around him.And this is not good.

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