important but not worthy

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Persephone has been quite a mystery the last few weeks.Maybe I'm stressed out about the engagement but I guess something seems off.
Heading to my workplace I meet Adrian and let me tell you that after hearing what he had to say ,I wanted to break some bones.
He is back.

Reaching my office I open the door and this dickhead ,annoying piece of shit that I can't stand anymore due to the fucking atrocious shit his unstable nasty  ass has ever done   is in my
office .I try to keep my calm ,but damn this is so hard.

"What brings garbage to my office on such a shitty day?".I ask ,showing how disgusted I am by this visit.

This nutjob chuckled as if i said the funniest shit he's ever heard in his whole life.He slowly raised his eyes to hold eye contact .There they are ,these eyes filled with emptiness and darkness.I've always known him like this,difficult to read and full of darkness.

"Nice to see you too little me."

As if .If I become like him one day the disappointment would be so great that I would want to end my own life.That's how much I despise him.

"What brings you here?And don't try to act funny if you don't want me to break your bones again and not missing this time ,cause let's be clear,last time I wanted you dead,you did not live ,you survived."

My anger kept on growing,I wanted to break everything right this instance.

"How affectionate of you to welcome me with such kind words.Actually i came here for work.I mean i came here thinking work would be the only thing keeping me busy .But I guess I got news about a certain engagement happening soon.And the girl is breathtaking to say the least.What's her name again,ah ,how can I forget my therapist and my future sister in law's name,Persephone."


Being a certified bastard i decided to get on my crazy brother's last nerve and I went to his office.
I met his dog,Adrian.Not impressive but quite decent.
Little bro seems to be successful and powerful .But i laugh so hard when I think about his anger issues, how bitchy and pathetic of him.If only he did not have that one flaw...such a shame.

After approximately 10minutes of me being bored to the core waiting for him ,Artemis finally  entered the room.His facial expressions were so clear that I immediately understood how pissed he was to see me.

We threw insults at each other and in no time Persephone became the main subject of our conversation.I guess he would have killed me right there if he could.Seriously,I did not care.

"Just one thing before I leave,we've always had a special place in our hearts for each other's things.For me,it remains this way.So I suggest that you keep a close eye on what is dear to you,I mean just in case.One day you might wake up and oopsie ,its gone.haha.Just kidding.
Or not .I'm coming for you ,I hope that you've toughened up during all these years we spent far from each other.I will not go easy on you ,your title of little brother looses its significance right here."

His anger brought me so much pleasure .I felt excited,just like a little child ready to celebrate Christmas.How evil of me,I love it.

He did not take long to reply but surprisingly he did not break my nose.I mean I would have went for his knees but anyways.

"How considerate of you to warn me Achilles.You were no longer my brother since the day  you showed your real face to me ,which is years ago.Do not try to threaten me with your bullshit cause let's be honest,you're just talks.Keep in mind that I always kept my word .I call you a piece of shit,I treat you as such.I threatened to break your bones,I did.
Careful not to play too close to the 'crazy' dude ,cause instead of assisting my engagement which will never happen,I'll be sending you to the afterlife sooner than you'd think."

There,right there .He looked just like me.With his deadly stare.Ouh how exciting.
I want this side of him  to come out and stay forever.I'll make that happen.

"Fine." I said

"We'll see who was born for power and has the guts to keep it,
Artemis Xander  Julius,I dare you to prove me wrong on this one."

With these words I left.

To be continued...
Thank you for your support ,any constructive criticism is welcome .I will not update for a while hope you'll be here when I post the other chapters.❤❤love you all.

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