Part 2: Tough choice ...

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We've been busy with all the media stuff and being a therapist i cannot consider my mental health sane anymore.

But,when it comes to achilles what can I say ...He's really kind and he looks like he needs love.We have not known each other for long but,we definitely understand each other so well.It's almost like we've known each other forever.

I had 3 appointments with Achilles and let me tell you that he is so hot .I know I'm getting engaged in 2 weeks but I feel like this guy is bad news.

Letting these weird thoughts aside I head home after this long and tiring day.I was supposed to deal with some stuffs but decided to call it a day.Once home I shower and decide to go to the gym .I'm getting back at it after a long break ,it will be a good thing .

Once at the gym I train like crazy and feel good about my body being in shape

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Once at the gym I train like crazy and feel good about my body being in shape.
All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice from behind me.
"We meet again little one."
Who talks like that!!!!!I mean it's hot but damn ....jumpscare.
And of course it was him
Achilles,the guy i've been thinking about all day... which I shouldn't.
What does he have that makes me go feral like that .

We talked for a while and since we were both done with our session we decided to head back home.And yes we both went to my home ,he insisted for me to have dinner with him.

Once home I rushed to the shower and looked for something pretty to wear.
And I found the perfect dress.

Right before I was done ,I received a call from Artemis asking me if we could meet this weekend

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Right before I was done ,I received a call from Artemis asking me if we could meet this weekend.
Of course I felt a feeling of guilt wash over me.My future fiancé calling me while I was getting ready to have dinner with my patient.Great.

I ended the call after confirming details
And headed to Achilles' car.We arrived at his home in no time .He had a cozy house which screamed 'rich'.I did not care more than that .I am a successful and independent woman ,money stopped impressing me a long time ago.

Dinner was divine,each and everything was perfectly executed.Who would have thought that on top of being a handsome ,successful and powerful man,he would be one of the best cooks I've ever met .
It was already 11pm and I thought it was time for me to leave.
I must add that each minute felt really heavy at some point as the tension started growing bigger and bigger between us.I mean sexual tension in case it was not clear enough.I tried suppressing it but in vain.

Instead of landing home ,I ended the night in his bedroom.I do not know what went through my mind but damn I do not regret anything.His perfectly sculpted body was there ,standing right in front of me,waiting for me to give him the green light to execute his lustful thoughts on me.
I could have stopped him but it was too hard .
Nearing me ,he made my heart flutter slightly.I felt the warmth of his body.And it felt good.
In the blink of an eye we found ourselves in his bed,his heavy body burning with desire on top of mine.
Our kiss gradually intensified resulting in a scandalous amount of sweat flowing down our body .The hotness,the desire,the crave.Each and every feeling we felt became intolerant at some point.
I did not expect sex to be this good with him.
He went in and out slowly but intently.
Gradually his thrust went deeper and it
felt heavenly.Loosing my composure he owned a shameless moan from me each time his body collided with mine roughly.
It almost felt painful ,but the pleasure was even greater.
His dominance aroused me even more,making me go wild.
My hair was all messy and my cheeks went red ,while I had the best sex of my life.This was a night to remember.

The next week.

It's been a week ,since Achilles and I have been having sex.Sometimes I think I should be ashamed but i just can't ,he makes me feel some type of way and I just can't seem to get enough of him.
Both his body and personality attract me dangerously .
Thinking about my engagement happening in a week ,I don't know how I'm gonna deal with it.

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