Chapter 2. The Execution

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Chapter 2. The Execution

Well, how about that? I got the wrong person. I just thought it could be her I could run away with since we both wanted to be free. Plan failed. Well, not that I can't run away by myself anyway. I just didn't know what got into my mind when I sent her that text message.

But she just didn't trust me. When I say I can, I can. I've got this whole thing planned out. I've ran the scenario many times and I thought it was perfect. I just thought that maybe I could extend my help.

Well, I guessed I'll just have to do it alone. Tomorrow night.


I felt bad when I woke up the next morning. There's a tiny part of me that said I got it all wrong. That I should've agreed with Alex. I wanted to be free and his offer might just be the only way for me to get it. But then again, a bigger part of me said I've made the right decision. There were lots of things that might happen out there and I was not totally prepared. At all.

My phone chirped indicating a message. I smiled when I saw who it was.

From: Dan

Hey! I hope you could make it to the outreach program later. See you.

Oh, good old Dan. He had this project for the street kids. He asked help from all of us, you know, if we could volunteer or something. And I would really love to. His project seemed genuine and who wouldn't want to help? Besides, Dan was going to be there and who wouldn't want to see him?

To: Dan

I'll be there so see you. J

Feeling giddy, I jumped out of my bed and hurriedly freshened up. After making sure that I looked alright, I got the right shoes and I didn't look overdressed for the activity, I zoomed downstairs for breakfast. It surprised me that my Dad's actually still here at this time. He's usually out before I even wake up.

"You're all dressed," my father noticed when I took my seat.

"Good morning, Dad, Mom," I said ignoring Dad's comment. My Mom smiled and said 'Good morning' back.

"Where are you headed?" My Dad asked.

Well, I better tell him. "Dad, I was just thinking if you'd let me out just for today," I started in a calm but convincing way.

"Why?" his voice told me that he's not really interested where because he won't let me go anyway. But I had to try.

"You know I'm a good girl, right?" he stared at me not interested. "Well, Dan has this outreach program for the street kids and I'm going to volunteer-"

"Well, you're not going."

"Dad?! You're not listening... I said it's an outreach program," I said desperate.

"I heard you and I said you're not going. This discussion is over," he said sternly. I looked at my mom for help and thankfully she understood.

"Honey, it's just an outreach program, let her go," Mom convinced. I always had my mom's side. It's just that Dad always had the last say.

"No, that is unnecessary. They can do the program without her presence." Just like this one.

"But, Dad, why? Why can't you just let me out? I'm not going to do anything you won't like. I'll just be there for help!" I reasoned trying to make him see what I want.

"I don't think you're just going to be there for help. I know you, Jaz. You go there because of your friends." He. Is. Just. So. Impossible.

"No! You got it wrong. These are my friends from high school, not the ones you're forbidding me to see. Remember, Dan? Most importantly, I'm going to be there to help. This is different. I want to help those kids, Dad," I said.

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