Chapter 12. The Kiss and Make-up

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Chapter 12. The Kiss and Make-up

I found Alex in the pool flirting with some girl who happened to be there. I frowned at the sight. Here I thought - of course he's not affected! This was Alex, for heaven's sake! Ugh, damn you, Alex. I should have known. But whatever, let's get this over with. It's now or never.

Just as I was approaching Alex, he looked at my direction and saw me. That meant there's no turning back now. But then he looked away again. Was he avoiding me now? Huh!

I went to sit on the side anyway with my legs dipping in the pool. Good thing it wasn't that cold. I hesitated for a moment (damn, I'm just about eat my pride) and then finally called his attention. "Hey."

I thought he was going to play deaf but eventually, he heard me. He faced me with a scowling look. "Yes, you," I answered his obvious query. Sighing, he swam to my direction (leaving the bimbo alone who looked at me glaring because I just snatched his boy away) stopping just beside me. He rested his elbow on the side of the pool.

I bit my lip wondering how to start. I was not really good at this. This meaning admitting that I was wrong and that it's my fault, partly my fault. Usually, I just let it pass pretending I didn't do anything. Just that one I did back in the airport, that time when he found out that my bag was heavier than it should be. And then we'll be fine without even saying sorry. Like sorry's not going to undo what happened, so why say sorry? Ugh, what the hell.

But anyway, here goes nothing.

"So, who's that girl?" What?! Did those words just come out of my mouth? It was freakin' creepy. "I mean..." I faltered trying to take those words back.

He was surprised at my unexpected question. Who wouldn't be? I was shocked myself!But he answered anyway, "Just some girl. Why, you jealous?" he asked not in a teasing way. It's as if he's just asking naturally and he was goddamn serious when he asked me that.

"You wish, dummy," I said bursting his bubble. Err, so what's next? Should I say sorry now?

I felt him scoff. "So what do you want, Jaz? Another round of fight? Because honestly, right now, I'm not up for it," he said coldly and was about to swim away from me. No way was I letting you go, Alex.


"Alright, fine. I'm here to apologize," she finally bit out stopping me short. Those words seemed to ring in my ears. What? Jaz? Apologizing? To me? Really? Okay. That's a lot of questions but really, she rarely apologized. With her high pride and all. It was just amazing.

But honestly, my disappointment and annoyance subside whenever she lowers her defences. So yeah, I'm a sucker for a soft Jaz which also happens to be hard to come by.

Finally, I looked at her with a softened expression and I know she knew she's forgiven. But I was not letting her off the hook that easy.

"For what?"

"You know that already." I gave her an incredulous look. "Oh, come on. Don't make this too hard for me," she whined but I remained silent. I knew she won't last long with my silence. "Ohh, fine. I'm sorry for being such a b-ch, alright?" she finally gave up. "I'm sorry I said those words. I'm sorry for being childish. I'm sorry for blaming it on you when I also took part of this TGE-thing. It's not like you forced me into this. I'm sorry for being self-centered and narrow-minded. I'm-" she was about to add god-knows-how-many-more-list when I stopped her.

"I get it, Jaz. It's okay," I said. I knew it's hard for her and much as I wanted to watch her suffering, not in terms like this. I just can't bear that look in her face. That look that tells me 'I sincerely regret what I did' and once again, that is hard to come by.

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