Chapter 17. The Truth Behind Evil

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Chapter 17. The Truth behind Evil

Phil calling...

When I saw who's calling, I immediately remembered that time in the airport when Jaz had to leave us alone for a while. That was the perfect time I'd been waiting for ever since he announced he's going home.

Phil knew what I'd been planning throughout the summer. He knew that I'd be running away, staying with him for the meantime, getting a job and experience living independently and going home after. Yes, I planned on going home and that has always been the plan. Phil knew all about those except for the Jasmine-part which was an impromptu decision.

My point was he's a part of this all along so in a way he's my accomplice. So it did not surprise him when I took the chance to tell him what to do once more.

"Phil, from now on, you're going to be our contact on what's happening there, alright?" I remembered telling him.

"Yeah, I know, man. You can count on me," he had promised.

"And whatever happens, call me first. Me, alright?" I had pressed because I don't want him calling Jaz telling her there's been an emergency or what. I didn't want her to panic all over again.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it," he had said waving me off.

I thanked him.

That's why I can't help but panic inside when I saw his name registering on my screen. Damn, I wanna know what's happening there anyway so I took the call.

"Hello?" I answered as soon as I made sure no one was around esp. Jaz.

"Hey, man! I'm sorry for not calling you asap," he sounded alarmed. Is something wrong? "Now's the only time I got since I got back here. Man, you wouldn't believe what ruckus you have made."

"What's happening?" I asked alarmed at his alarmed state.

"A secret task force has already been set to search for you."  That is worse than I expected. A secret task force?! Should've expected that considering Jaz's family background.

"What? And you're telling me this only now?" I asked furious at the news. I didn't want to raise my voice but I can't help myself.

"Chill, man. They don't have any idea as to where you are right now so you don't have to worry that much yet," Phil said trying to calm me down. "They all think you're still around the city and hiding somewhere. Besides, they're doing it in secrecy so it's hard for them to move around. Only those close friends and your relatives knew about this. You know how her father doesn't want any bad publicity," yeah, because he's a public figure, "So as of now, you're safe. I don't know for how long but I'll keep you posted."

I felt myself breathe a little. I didn't know what to feel – relieved or alarmed. Relieved because we're safe as of now or alarmed because it's not for long.

"My family, how are they holding up?" I asked. God knew how much I missed them. There's not a day that I didn't think about them and their security.

"They're fine," he assured. "They're coordinating with Jaz's family. They're worried, yes, but they're safe." That's all I needed to know.

"Alright, thanks Phil. And uhh, please don't tell Jaz about this. I don't want her to panic and worry..."

"Are you sure? She has the right to know," he said.

"I know. We'll tell her but not now, okay? I'll be the one to tell her."

"If you say so," he said.

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