Chapter one

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You can't help feeling bad for the person who ended up dead without a proper name.
Let alone when he tries to warn people of the invasion, it can't go wrong there—except ending up dead, shot down by an arrow.
Then when finally someone notices the invasion, they end up dying as well, right after ringing the warning bell.
Everything goes to shit as expected, and things are laughed off—while the guards are either too stern in their liquor or—trying to get with their wives after not seeing them for twenties years forced into highly illegal battle arenas, one can add.
Then things get crazy when the nobles finally realize they're going to be implicated as well, using their loyal servants and extremely loyal guards as human flesh shields.
They desperately try to escape with their fat wealth and overweight selves, like many people, are dying, slaughtered, or caught in the crossfire.
Hence the once flourishing Zheng dynasty has fallen into utter ruin, causing the Ling dynasty to come into rise.
As for anyone who survived, it wasn't rather known, Zheng Peng was the lucky one if one could put it lightly.
Hadn't been for the fact his family had chosen to neglect him in the first place, he—too would've needed up dead on the ground, being treated as a ghost was considered a blessing one could imagine.
Zheng Peng decided not to get revenge, but instead be the fear never known, using people like a puppet on strings—a true villain, far more entertaining than.

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