Chapter twenty one

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Time moves in a rather dis portioned cycle of manners and is likely highly retentive-natured as well. Can either create the greatest memories, or the most horrible wretched ones, hearing and eventually allowing blood to be spilled or one's self-becoming killed.
Upon meeting the bumbling bloke, at Xian state college and becoming dorm mates, three main things came into being, he was from a well-off family, a rather happy-go-lucky person, and honor runs deep into his blood, regardless of what color was shed.
Especially when it came to bullying, such an ironic thing as well, considering—he was never the one being bullied.
Upon hearing this explanation, that would seem rather suspicious and possible bias as well, but by no means, did that truly exist, it was hard, cold facts.
"Hey! Freak!" Called someone.
This someone is called Arango, what a wretched name to place upon someone—unless they are a nosy bastard with horrible anger issues and possibly a lack of parental discipline as well.
"Oh, I didn't expect such a petty name to be used upon me." Zheng Peng replied, "Pleasure, to meet you, Arango."
"The freaks got manners, speaking of which, how come your rooming with Mismatched eyes over there? Did you get infected by him as well?" Arango inquired.
What a bloody imbecile, that's like saying because a mother has aids, the child born from her will also get aids, AIDS can only be transferred through sexual contact, not genetics. Much like how heterochromia is a genetic condition and not an illness....bloody moronic bastards, going to end up in Heaven with that thinking, like only having sex upon marriage—between two virgins.
"Much to the oblige, why are you bothering me on the full scale? Haven't your underlings gone to flirt with some bimbos or something?" Zheng Peng inquired.
"Do my homework freak, you don't seem to have a lot of time spent on something other than school work." Arango ordered, "If you don't, you'll know what will happen to yourself."
The bumbling bloke happened to be behind, the rather boring talking moronic fool, as his rather tall stature, made him slightly more menacing than usual.
"What are you going, to Peng Peng?" Ling Sung Jiao inquired.
This was the first time, the Ling family's famous smile came into play, shining through and through—and that nickname they dare refer to Zheng Peng came into existence, sticking closely for the rest of the days upon themselves till revoking.
"Oh, what are you going to do about it?" Arango asked while gawking at his arrogant and prideful facial expression.
Arrogance is a great example of a flaw, a flaw that can be used properly or improperly. In this case, improperly is a rather common practice than anything else.
In this case, Arango was ruthlessly dragged, into a small pathway between two buildings of the College, as the merciless screams came bettering from time to time, for a good thirteen minutes, suddenly became quiet. His goons, booked in the quickest way possible.
Good mates might stick their noses into the business, Crazy ones will always go over the top, or in this case, below the belt.

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