Chapter twenty three

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Being pissed and pissing on someone can be completely a misunderstanding, but not in this case—Mute doesn't understand when to piss off a root and went to, this happened to be one of the times he understood clearly.
Mute happened to piss on that roof, upon Jane Augustine while she was walking to the apartment building.
"You, what a rugged child, who are your parents?" Jane Augustine inquired.
Mute pulled up his draws, before his pants pulled up as well, then walked down the stairs, through the many apartments to the front, opening the door—his blue eyes shined, Mrs.H came behind him, "He can't speak, don't even try to bother, wretched haggard."
Jane Augustine entered, seeing Mute enter his apartment, entering more of the narrow pathways of the refined hallway, upon seeing the Apartment number labeled, 7734.
The door opened, and the bumbling bloke.
"Oh, I didn't expect you to come by so soon." Ling Sung Jiao replied, "Would've expected another six weeks and then forget about the matter entirely."
"Oh." Jane Augustine said, "I'm coming I assume."
"Whatever floats your bait." Ling Sung Jiao replied.
Hearing the prattling footsteps, and the slight breeze feeling from the slightly opened window seems rather refreshing to someone who's long been used to such things. Not refined enough for this stuck-up, push-haggard woman, indeed.
Entering the apartment, one could imagine how stunned she must be by the existence of the middle-class, quite literally. It's a phantom to the upper class and the lower class, quite a contest isn't it?
"I can't believe you live here." Jane Augustine commented, "I knew your sister said her family had declined and needed to have a proper stable of living, but this...isn't at all what was expected."
Declined, more like killed in a revolution, how many times does this have to be brought up? Better yet—her line sounds so much gentler than anything else.
"Oh." Zheng Peng replied, "I wasn't aware the upper class found my life a bore, a wretched bore as well."
Her facial expression was shown afterward while walking in a pacing motion toward the desk, seeing a manuscript there.
"You're a writer?" Jane Augustine inquired.
"Yes." Zheng Peng spoke, "Can't imagine what else I could be."
Jane Augustine, the stuck up she was, walking forward in front to see Zheng Peng reading the newspaper, yanking it down, "I can't have you living in such a difficult place, your sister would have my heart in the afterlife."
Her heart should've been ripped out upon life, not in the afterlife, the price would be so much lower.
"Oh, why would I care what you think?" Zheng Peng inquired, "Are you important to my life?"
The bumbling bloke sat down, opening the bag, "Donuts for Peng Peng."
Zheng Peng grabbed the donut, eating it with some slight joy, without intentionally showing it upon his facial expression, which was stone-cold, straight-faced.
"What did you call him?" Jane Augustine inquired.
"Peng Peng." Ling Sung Jiao remarked, "Doesn't everyone call him that?"
The nickname, as one could call it. Is only used by people, which the bumbling bloke likes—the sense of judgment one have upon itself isn't good, to begin with.
The door opened, "Peng Peng."
Ling Sung San, entered the room, "Jiao called on the Telephone, I figured you might need some tools, by the way, someone has been hanging around the apartment building. Mama spotted them with her frying pan."
"Settle wherever you like." Zheng Peng commented, "I stopped caring a long time ago."
Ling Mama came in, placing her frying pan back into the purse, before taking off her shoes and sliding on the indoor slippers.
"They have adopted me without their consent." Zheng Peng explained, "I stopped refusing a long time ago."
"I saw Mrs.H and Mute, strange thing it is. Blue eyes, are rather rare now—compared to thirty years ago before the 'Big Clean' whatever that meant." Ling Mama commented.
Ling Sung San's eyes darted, before grabbing the dagger thrown toward his face.
"Third brother." Ling Sung Jiao remarked, "Is Bai Bai still mad at you?"
Bai Bai, in this case, was Ling Sung San's girlfriend, Huan Bai. She's a skilled martial artist and her specialty happens to be daggers—what a lovely way to choose partners for potential breeding in the future.
Huan Bai entered through the window, "Peng Peng."
Ruffling the paper up, before giving a slight snort. Zheng Peng went to grab another donut but noticed it being snatched out of his hands.
Lowering the newspaper down, giving glaring eyes, "Don't do that again, Miss Jane. Unless you desire, to end up dead."

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