consideration on your requests

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I have been receiving requests for specific things. kindly, i am asking for your approval as a whole before i make a move. 

- threesome between derek, april and tanner (requested to include this scene in this book. it is written. if you approve, this will be included in - most likely - the next chapter).

- series on Luke.

- series on Tanner.

- bonus chapter for Theo and Naila. 

- bonus chapter for Jackson and Ines. 

- bonus chapter/chapters of the romance between derek's parents.

- bonus chapter/chapters for jasmine. 

i was asked to do a bonus chapter in luke's and tanner's pov, although if you would like a series then that is not necessary.

if there is anything else you would like me to do, let me know. 

alsoooooo how is the pace for the sex trafficking ring? are the twists of events interesting, predictable, etc? i have been using real-life scenarios for this, that's why i'm curious :)

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