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Thank you all for reading book 2!!

I hope you enjoyed it!

since book 1 is in the process of publishing, i might not be able to upload book 3 onto Wattpad as a result. 

however, i will post book 3's 'visual' trailer very soon (like next week maybe).

book 3 will come out in a year's time. If that will not happen, then it will be out soon enough due to the publishing agenda. 

i am still getting rejected for obvious reasons, and if that is the case then i will have to change methods. 

when the books do get published, would u like the original covers, or something different?

i must ask you all if there is anything in book 1 and book 2 that does not make sense. 

if there are any changes to book 1 and 2 that you want me to do, do ask!

i want to make april more stronger in book 1 and 2, so i will do that. 

i want there to be more insight on tanner in book 1 and 2. 

book 1 slightly nudged derek's life, though it focused more on April's healing journey. it talked about samuel more than alexandra.

book 2 was all about derek, but still focussed on April's healing. it was very heavy about the Decagon/Decemviri. it talked about alexandra more than samuel.

the first two books are 700-750 pages (on Google Docs). I want the last two books to be at least 400 pages. 

i am not sorry for how book 2 ended. 

i must also warn you that book 1 and book 2 are the beginning, therefore there will be more tragedies on the way. 

blessings and curses, am i right? 

i have also foreshadowed those tragedies :)

book 2 was much more darker than book 1. i was building up to the darkness, regardless of the trigger warnings, so you know what to expect. 

truth is, i do think it was better for it to be slow (the side romance, the healing, the sexual assault and so much more), because any sudden changes simply would not make sense or would feel too forced. 

i hinted derek's sexual rape in book 1, through the things he said, how he reacted -- especially to destiny. i took it really slow. 

things like this must be executed thoroughly and considerately. 

it has to be dark, because much of the scenes in this series are based on true stories.

i'm sure you all know where the inspo for most issues came from ...


Book 1 - Trying To Endure

Book 2 - Trying To Heal

Book 3 - Trying To Rise

Book 4 - Trying To End


Book 1: The Ace of Spade

Book 2: The Snake of Spade

Book 3: The Glory of Spade 


Book 1: An Allfather

Book 2: The Allfather 

SPIN-OFF CLUSTER (if you want this, still considering)


- includes a bonus chapter/chapters of Naila and Theo, Jasmine, Jackson, Ines, Alexandra and Samuel, Theo, Marlene, Lin, 

- essentially, background on side characters you want me to do. 

Trying To HealWhere stories live. Discover now