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i step inside my dorm room literally dripping, the girls look up at me in concern, getting up from what they were doing to come to me.

"what happened?"

"are you okay?"

"we confessed" i shrug, placing my headphones on the desk before shrugging my coat off and hanging it up.

"what?" they ask in unison, hoping i meant what they think i meant.

"basically i was at the library, trixie was their taking my headphones and claiming her and adam were a thing to which adam ended up being confused about, right?"


"she then ended up kissing adam so i took my headphones and ran out long story short he ran after me in the rain we got in a small argument and ended up confessing and kissing each other"


"up" the two girls sat down on the end of the bed with their mouths wide open.

"but he had his arm wrapped around her and everything" julie says.

"turns out she was threatening adam with me so he just wanted to protect me, i don't know but i do know that i need a nice hot shower because i am shivering" i tell the girls before grabbing some pjs and making my way to the bathroom.

i could hear the girls high five and squeal as i turned on the shower, grabbing a towel in the process waiting for it to heat up.

"coach, shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?" luis asks bombay as we all gather on the ice in our casual clothes.

"yeah" averman agrees, fixing his glasses slightly.

"guys this is our last team practice, which means—"

"the return of captain blood?" averman interrupts causing the team to laugh.

"no, it means, let's have some fun!" coach responds, throwing a beach ball in the air.


i spot adam and he grins at me, holding his hand out which i gladly accept, the two of us skating around with the team trying to get the beach ball, that was until it rolled over to iceland.

stansson picks up the beach ball and deflates it with his fist, and throws it to the side before one of his players hands him a hockey stick, the whole team skating closer.

"playtime is over, we have the ice now" he states, "you and your little rink rats must leave"

"we're right here, coach" dean nods, reminding the coach that he has us for backup.

"the only thing little was your career in the pros" bombay laughs, the ducks joining him.

"gordon no, let's go" mackay sighs, trying to drag him away.

"well, at least i bad a shot, i was there"

"you were a disgrace.. alright team, we're outta here, let's go i said cmon!"

"can you still move on the ice? well please, okay a little with me, show me that famous triple deke your daddy taught you, or was it that old geezer over there"

"three bar, first one to hit both posts and the cross bar have to take it out past the blue line"

"i know the game"

the two begin facing off in centre getting ready for the puck, my pinky finger was currently interlocked with adam's as i watch the scene nervously.

as they begin to move both teams were cheering for their coach, shoving bombay down to the ground iceland ended up getting a point.

ICE SKATES // ADAM BANKS Where stories live. Discover now