15. "you're obsessed, aren't you?"

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GUYS. i'm back. 


"i mean, if you want to you could." joão said.

no way he just fucking said that. i would take that offer up right away but i had a better idea. i looked over at him and thought about something better.

"i got a better idea," i said smiling at him "if you win the world cup, i'll do whatever." (BYE WHO IS THIS GIRL)

"fuck," he groaned "now i have to win." 

"if you loose, sucks for you." i said as i rolled over.

"i'll win, just for you." he said as i dozed off. 

it had been a few days, today was their 2nd game. they were playing uruguay.  it was 6:30 am and my alarm was going off. i didn't want to get up but of course i had to go watch joão. 

i finally got up and changed. today, i wore my jersey again and then i decided to wear black shorts and my converse. basically the same outfit just different shorts, but who cares. i did. my make-up on my bed as joão was in the bathroom. and he is the one complaining that i take too long.

"morning," he said as he came out of the shower in just his towel. i could see his v-line, and his abs. i guess i was staring for a little too long. "no need to stare" 

"shut up" i said

"just the truth" he said as he shrugged his shoulders

i rolled my eyes. i was definitely staring, but he didn't need to point it out. 

"are you almost ready? the team wants to get breakfast before we head to the stadium." he asked me as he looked me up and down

"yes, i'm ready." i said as i looked him up and down in his towel "maybe you should get ready." 

we were on the bus just after eating breakfast, i was so full. i got the window seat today and i decided i would mess with him today. i laid my head on his lap and i was very "uncomfortable" so i had to deposition myself. i placed my hand on his crotch and laid down on my hand. i could hear him sigh.

"don't start something you can't finish." he said as he whispered in my ear.

"what?" i said laughing at him.

"you know exactly what you're doing, y/n."

i laid my head back down and closed my eyes. i felt his hand on my lower stomach as i fell asleep.

i was woken up by a hand on my ass. 

"we're here." joão said as he smiled at me.

i sat up and grabbed my stuff as i saw joão get up. bro looked uncomfortable. i wonder why 🤔🤔. i asked joão to take some pictures of me again. 

"why do you need more?" he said as he grabbed my phone

"because." i said as i posed

"dayum," he said as i turned around "she got cake." 

"thanks." i said as i laughed at his narration.

they were on the field warming up and stretching as i was walking around trying to find a bathroom. a man who seemed to be my age came up to me.

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