'new' cookie?

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[Idc if there's spelling mistakes lmao]
It was 7am in the morning,espresso wide awake.

'' Espresso! I have some news for you!!'' Said latte,espressos annoying sister. He always has to lock his door since his sister would always knock down the door.

'' Ugh..latte how many times should I tell you?!knock on the door!anyways what do you want from me?don't you see I'm busy,'' said espresso with a tired face.

'' Yeah yeah whatever ,so the news!there's a new cookie coming to the kingdom!!and I wanted you to meet 'him' when he comes!''

''A new cookie?meet 'him'? Hmp!pathetic. Why would I want to meet someone?I'm always busy , I have no time to socialise.''

''Eh- its not just a cookie! Its the knight!maybe I should say the commander , his name is Madeleine!-''

Espresso choked on his coffee.

Latte stepped back.
''Uh..yeah..?what's wrong with hi-''

''HE'S MY OLD CRUSH?!'' Espresso stopped talking after he realized what he said.


''No i-i..I meant he was my old frie-''

'' MADELEINE WAS YOUR OLD CRUSH?!,'' latte screamed

''..ye-yes..'' Espresso whispered

''Omg!!why didnt you tell me before?this is big news for me! And he's coming in 2days !!''latte happily screamed

''Cough- he's coming in 2days?!''

''Yes!and you can meet him again!I mean, you're going to meet your crush again~''

''Ugh, latte. He USED to be my crush. can you not understand?''


''Okay. now, can you get the hell out my room?I'm trying to finish some of my work y'know.''

''Alright! I'll leave you alone then ,but!''

''But what?''

''But deez nuts, hehe..'' She laughed while she exited espressos room.

''Ugh she's so annoying.''


Espressos phone was ringing ,it was eclair .Espresso stared at his phone without moving a muscle , then he picked up his phone and answered.


''Hello Espresso!have you heard the news?''

''What?about the 'new' cookie?''

''Yes him!did latte told you?''

''Mhm. She did, tho I do not care about that cookie. And I hope I don't meet him.''

''Whoa. Calm down, why don't you want to meet him?everyone wants to! Infact even me!he's a commander , famous , and handsome !''

Espresso didn't answer from how much he cringed hearing those words.

''Such a simp.''

''Hey!!I'm not!''

''Yeah alright anyways ''

''Do you wanna come to a cafe nearby when you finish your work?''
Espresso loved going to cafes ,its always quiet and peaceful.

''Hm.. Sure I guess. ''

''Great, in 2 hours we can go there ''

''Alright , good bye now.''

''Good by-''

Espresso ended the call and went finishing his work.
[I know this is boring but this is just the start , btw eclair and espresso are besties]

we meet again.(espressleine)Where stories live. Discover now