take care of me

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[ espresso cookie supremacy ]
It was morning, espresso and Madeleine were cuddling but Madeleine was wide awake , he didn't want to move or else he would've woken up espresso. Latte was talking to financier , she visited latte to make sure that Madeleine was with her . Latte and Financier were dating for a long time , of course espresso knows about it.

'' here's your tea fina.'' Latte said bringing her , her tea.

'' thank you , darling.'' Financier teased.

'' darling? That's something new, oh! Is it because I call you fina?''

'' Of course not, well, maybe it is ''
Financier and latte were talking when all of a sudden they heard a knock on the door. Latte stood up to open the door but financier pulled her down.

'' what are you doing?''

'' where are you going?'' Financier questioned.

''Going to open the door why?''

''Open the door? For what?'' Financier and latte were confused, financier probably didn't hear it, so latte stood up again and went to open the door. There was nobody.

''Well that's weird..I'm sure I heard someone knocking..'' Latte then closed the door and headed back to financier. Financier then stared at latte.

'' Latte, are you sure you heard someone knocking ? Because I'm sure I didn't.''

'' Well maybe someone did knock on the door, and you haven't heard it.'' Latte argued back.

'' Hey, let's not argue about that , and besides you told me that Madeleine is here, where exactly?''

'' Oh Fina, he's sleeping with my brother!''latte said after noticing that financier chocked on her tea.

'' Oh my! Fina are you okay?!'' Latte yelled , and financier just nodded.

'' The Commander is sleeping with the Professor?!'' Financier yelled.

'' Ah..haha..yeah..''

'' Hm, well maybe Madeleine is in love with Espresso.''

'' Maybe!''
Espresso woke up , feeling all dizzy, but warm at the same time. Madeleine noticed that he woke up and closed his eyes to act like he was sleeping.

'' Wha..t..ugh..I feel dizzy..'' Espresso then opened his eyes but his vision was blurry, he took his glasses and put them on and realized that Madeleine was cuddling him, while sleeping.
'' Ma..deleine?''espresso moved closer to madeleines chest , tho that made Madeleine blush a little bit since he wasn't sleeping.'' Warm..'' Espresso added.

'' Uh.. Good morning..espresso..haha..'' Madeleine then spoke while opening his eyes to see what was happening.

'' morning..''

'' holy divine , are you still drunk? ''

'' no..I just feel sick and dizzy..'' Espresso replied.

'' I see.. Well then '' He stood up and picked espresso in a bridal style, that made espresso blush a little bit.

'' What are you doing..?''

'' taking you down stairs ''

'' okay..''
Madeleine and espresso walked down, well , espresso wasn't walking but you know what I'm trying to say. And they saw latte and financier talking to each other. They went closer to them and both of them noticed Madeleine holding espresso .

'' romantic~'' latte said, that annoyed Madeleine.

'' latte stop. Anyways good morning you two''

'' good morning Madeleine.'' Financier said in a serious tone.

we meet again.(espressleine)Where stories live. Discover now