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So basically this is a nightmare uhh espresso idk how you explain, espresso has a nightmare(angst i little and some comedy)yes here is starts. Oh and some fluff at the end

Enjoy (?)


Espresso POV nightmare

''You're so use less,'' What? '' you're use less. '' who's this?where am I ?'' I'm you,'' Your not me?! '' I am, I'm you , you'll be stuck here forever, not even you lovely boyfriend will save you, just like last time..'' Shut up! He will! He loves me as much as I love him! '' he doesn't disserve you, you're not worth of being here, you're just dust to him, a doll that he's using around,'' no..I'm not a doll for him! I know he loves m- '' loves you?,'' yes! ''pftt..he doesn't. He's using you,'' No.. He .. Isn't using me.. How would you know?! '' I know everything. I see everything. '' show your self! Are y-you a coward?! If not then c-come out! '' I'm not a coward little one , you can see me , come closer to the darkness ,''

He walks into the darkness.

And? What now?I still don't see you. '' exactly what's gonna happen to you, I'm you ,you're going to disappear into the darkness , and you'll be gone for.EVER,'' god ..just shut..UP! I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU! GO FUCK YOUR SELF! '' I don't have a body tho.'' I- wait your right-

The something Stands in front of him.

Is there a mirror? ''Silly..I'm you.. ''

He holds a knife .

What's that?'' Take it,'' why? ''Just take it . and you'll be fine. '' okay.

He takes it.

What's this for?'' Point it at you're chest,'' ... '' now.'' why would I? '' you don't want to be happy?'' I do? I-i am?'' Silly you're not. You're just faking it so MADELEINE won't be a worry for you. You're just wasting his time. He disserves someone better , some who doesn't over work them self's , someone who can take care of them self's while there loved one are at work.'' So..I'm not good enough for him..?'' Yep.'' But..he loves me.. I know it! '' point the knife to your chest.''

He points the knife to his chest.

'' now. Stab your self.'' No.'' stab your self.'' No! '' STAB YOUR SELF.'' NO!

He stabs him self.
Blood dropping everywhere.
He drops the knife.
He falls into his knees.

'' great job. '' n-no..I don't wanna die..'' Great job.'' I -I DONT WANNA DIE!

Essie wake up!

Espresso !

Essie you're crying!

Wake up !


End of nightmare.

''W-what?!'' Espresso wakes up on Madeleine, crying.

'' Essie goodness me! I was so worried! '' Madeleine cried.

'' espresso thank had a nightmare! You kept scratching your leg and .. Kept saying that you don't wanna die..'' Latte spoke.

'' sh..shh..calm down Essie .. I'm here .
Everything's fine..''

'' p-please.. Never l-leave me.. ''

'' I won't .. Don't worry.. Though we have to heal your leg , since is bleeding from you scratching it so much''

we meet again.(espressleine)Where stories live. Discover now