latte's coffee cat

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Latte's suspicion grew for electro, ever since espresso started to talk to electro more , electro has been acting more weirdly but only latte has realised that .

She stopped humming right when she heard a noise outside.

"Guys, should I go outside and check?"

"You wanna sacrifice your life ? Yeah go and check."

"Oh fuck off you bi..nevermind."

Annoyed , she stomped outside leaving him with Electro.

Espresso was extremely unbothered , he just sat on the floor leg crossed , while staring at the map investigating if he missed anything to write on it . His ear started to have the painfully ringing noise again , as he jolted , he covered both of his ears and electro noticed it, they looked at him in confusion " you good?"

The painfully noise stopped and he uncovered his ears and he looked electro before nodding slowly , latte a minute later came back holding her cat , she was smilling while holding her cat. She sat down next to espresso and he gave her a weird glare ,"where did you even.. nevermind."

"Oh she was the one making noises outside!!"

"...uh cool?"

"Gosh you're so boring."

Electro watched them being siblings, " ah speaking of being boring, since we're done with planning , how about we go to Almond now?" They asked looking at both of them , waiting for their response. The only response from espresso was a nod and from latte was nothing but a glare ,electro glared back.

'Why is she glaring at me? What , do i have something on my face? Nah.'

They thought before grabbing the map and standing up quickly with a big smile. They grabbed espressos sleeve and run out , making espresso gasp . Latte stood up and looked at them , as she groaned in annoyance and followed the outside while still holding her cat to calm her self down from not starting an argument or a fight with that stupid cookie.

They headed to the city.


When they arrived at the city, electro was being extremely quiet , almost as if they aren't even there. Latte didn't care though, she was happy that they were quiet. She instead walked next to espresso while Electro tagged on espressos sleeve.

The three were heading to Almond, but electro kept yapping about saying that they were hungry which Annoyed latte more. Espresso who had no reason to argue , bought both of them some strawberry jam filled donuts . Electro happily ate the donut while latte gave half of her donut to her brother since she wasn't sure if he has eaten something.

Espresso who kept rejecting the donut , choked on thin air as latte shoved it down his throat and smiled proudly.

He ate the donut while staring at her with a glare , but couldn't help and stare at her laugh. He smiled , he was happy that his sister was happy. They then continued to walk towards Almonds Office , and if you may wonder why they are walking through the city even though his office isn't even there , it was because electro lead them there.


Lattes cat was back at lattes house.

They finally arrived outside of almonds office , and espresso stepped closer to the door , knocking on it.

Almond immediately opened it and stared at them confused. He asked ,

"Why are you three here? At night too?"

The three looked at eachother then back at him, "we wanted to help you find fuchsias." Espresso responded , "Help me find fuchsias? Hm. That would be nice , but that would bring you a lot of trouble don't you think."

"We already made a plan on a map!-"

"Don't be ridiculous, making a simple plan on a map wouldn't help." Almond responded back harshly at electro , he was already tired and looked miserable. He sighed as he pressed his thumb and index finger on his nose, then looked at them again , " come in then. " He said moving away so they have space to come in. Electro had their head lowered down after that harsh comment and was the first one to step in.

They all head to the main room , aswell as almond.

Almond sat down on his desk , and asked them for the map, and they gave him the map . He held the map , inspecting it. Espresso adjusted his glasses carefully , and waited for a response from the Detective. Almond placed the map down and nodded , he was wrong but also right, he told them that they'll have to check some quiet places that Fuchsias could be found at , but this doesn't need to be rushed.

They had all the time they needed so they all nodded to his comment and he told them that they can go and he'll just give them the rest of the information tomorrow since it's already dark.

They all nodded once again and walked outside , closing the door behind them.

"Well! We all should go home now , rest well guys!", electro waved at the two and walked away . As the two were alone now , latte turned her head quickly at espresso and he clicked his fingers together shutting latte . " I know what you're going to say latte. I am , too suspicious of electro. But we have to wait and see what will happen next."

Lattes eyes were wide , she was impressed on that the fact that he also noticed and she nodded non stop. He clicked his fingers again , and latte was now able to talk and breath out of her mouth , " so you too realised?"


"Ah. Well I'm glad. But why should we trust them?! I mean.. pffft. Were both suspicious of them soo??"

"So what? I told you, let's wait and see what will happen next."

"Ugh fine."

"For now , you go home aswell as I do too. Tomorrow were coming back here again. Alright?"

"Yes sir-"

"Don't call me that you idiot.."

Latte giggled as she took out her magic spoon and jumped on it , she flew up and waved at him from high , and flew away. He waved back too , and then looked back at the ground ,

'I'll check on madeleine tomorrow too. I'll go ho...home? What home. I have to finish my damn experiments. That is more important than sleep.'

He thought as he started to walk to his direction of his lab.


Hi hi hi! I might take a while to post some chapter since I published another book which is tgcf and I'm also working on a 3rd book too!! (Which is modern au mdzs) thank you for the support and I'll try and update you guys !:3

we meet again.(espressleine)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora