Chapter 4

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-Charlottes POV-

My vision began clearing. Harry Styles peered down at me. My body froze. I rubbed my eyes wondering if I was just seeing things. My eyes regained focus and Harry was still here.

He had stopped singing and was just staring at me with a worried expression. My heart stopped for a second, am I dreaming?

My mouth was too dry to speak.

Realizing I looked stupid lying on the ground, I sat up observing my surroundings. I was at the airport.

Clearing my throat, I turned to look at Harry. "Harry S-Styles? My voice quivered. This has to be a dream. Why on earth would Harry Freaking Styles appear out of nowhere? He flashed me a nervous smile, probably just as confused as I was.

"Sorry I was just looking for the bathroom, and I... erm... noticed you crying. I'm guessing from a nightmare?" Harry scratched the back of his neck. I bit my lip, fighting back the tears.

Would I be crying because the hottest superstar is right next to me, or cry from embarrassment... maybe both?

"I... uh..." My voice cracked and I stopped talking. Dropping my gaze to my lap, Harry stood up from the ground. I looked up reluctantly. He stuck out his hand, offering to help me up.

-Harrys POV-

I stuck out my hand, offering to help her up. She hesitated, but threw her hand up, gripping onto mines. Her sweater sleeve went up, revealing her wrist...

My mouth dropped a little as I looked away in horror. I pulled her up, my mind racing as the picture of her cuts remained in my memory.

"Uh, what's your name?" I questioned. "Charlotte," she whispered, still star-struck. "Um, can I please get a picture with you?" She blushed as she asked. I chuckled, "sure!" Charlotte smiled, grabbing her phone out of the back of her pocket.

"Harry let's go!" We both looked over. Liam waved me over, with the rest of the boys beside him. I heard Charlotte gasp, and I smiled. So she's a fan...

"Wait hold on! I want you guys to meet someone!" Grabbing onto Charlotte's non-scarred wrist, I walked over to the lads.

Her arms were trembling, and she was red.

"Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis. This is Charlotte." My smile faded when I noticed a tear fall down her cheek.

Niall came up to her and said Hi. She broke down crying, wrapping her arms around him. Liam shot me a confused expression, and I gave him the "I'll explain later" look.

Charlotte hugged the rest of the boys, tears falling down her face rapidly.

"If it wasn't obvious before, I just really love you guys" Charlotte laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes with the edge of her sleeve. We laughed.

"Can I, uh get a picture with each of you guys?"

-Charlottes POV- 

My stomach was numb. Was this the feeling of 'butterflies'? I couldn't help but break down as Niall said hi. Let alone the rest of my idols staring right at me.

I grabbed my phone, pressing the camera application. Examining myself, my eyes were puffy and my hair was knotted. All in all, I looked like the boogie monster.

Strolling over to Louis, he smiled and took a hold of my phone. Our cheeks were touching as he snapped the picture. "Here you go love," he handed my phone back, and kissed my forehead. My heart dropped, as I tried to breathe normally.

How could I? Louis Tomlinson just kissed my forehead. I hugged him one last time and looked over at Zayn. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder, and he gazed down at his phone.

Walking over to him, I coughed to get his attention. "Can I?" I gestured toward my phone and he smiled. He had stubble; I assumed he hasn't shaved yet.

Zayn put his phone back into his pocket and grasped my phone. "Say cheese," he joked. I laughed, and he captured the picture.

"You have a really pretty smile, you should never stop smiling." Zayn hugged me, and I just wanted to melt in his arms. Moving onto Niall, I couldn't help but stare at his blue eyes. "I really love your eyes" I complimented, my face turning crimson.

He laughed, "Thank you! I love your eyes" My face reddened and I whispered a thanks. "So can I get a picture?" I could barely speak.

Handing him my phone, Niall put his arm around my shoulder. "1...2..." Niall quickly kissed my cheek as he pressed the button. My eyes widened, but my smile was big. Niall laughed when he revised the picture. I gave him a hug and whispered how much they helped me. "Don't mention it babe."

My heart fluttered as he called me babe.

I strolled over to Liam. "Hi," I breathed out, my heart beating rapidly. "Can I get a picture?" Without an answer Liam took a hold of my phone. He clicked the picture and I sighed, realizing I was holding my breath.

"I love you," I spoke up. Liam grinned, "I love you too! Do you have a twitter?" He questioned.

Yeah but I post about depression and self harm, but WHO CARES FOLLOW ME! I thought.

I panicked and nodded my head. "What is it? I'll follow you right now!" Liam grinned, and I mentally face palmed myself. I'll just delete my tweets later. I doubt he would read them anyways.

"At uselesscharlotte but instead of the o it's a zero" I felt my cheeks burn, hoping Liam won't make a comment about the username.

Liam typed on his phone screen. "Alright, followed!" Liam gave me one last hug.

Turning around, my mom was back at the front desk, cleaning up. She looked up, and our eyes met. I signaled her to hold on and she shot me thumbs up and winked.

I rolled my eyes, and walked over to Harry. He was talking to Niall. "Uh" I tapped Harrys shoulder and he turned over to me. "Can I uh, get my picture now?" I wondered timidly.

Harry showed off his dimples. "Course!" Instead of handing my phone over to Harry I gazed at Niall. "Can you take the picture please?" I asked. "Sure!" Niall smiled, and grabbed my phone from my hand.

I sauntered over to Harry. He confidently wrapped his arms around my waist.

I mentally shrieked, my heart beat quickening.

"Ready?" Niall clicked the button, the flash going off. Both Harry and I smiled. "Thanks" I took hold of my phone, and looked over at Harry.

"Why did you start singing? Especially to me, someone you don't know..." I cracked my knuckles, my legs shaking. Harry shrugged, "I panicked, and that's the first thing I thought of."

"Thank you, really... it means a lot."

Harry smiled, "You're welcome love...Well we better get going." He glimpsed over to the boys. They were waiting for us. Before I could react, Harry kissed my cheek.

"Bye," I waved as he walked back over. Still in shock, I strutted over to my mom.

Touching my cheek, I still felt the tingles. "How could you NOT tell me One Direction was coming here?" My mom swung her bag over her shoulder and shrugged. "I didn't even know you liked them." Still in a daze from meeting them, my mom rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Come on, let's go home." My mom had to grab onto my wrist and pull me away.



So I made a quick trailer for this fanfic. :) The link: 

Um, comment/vote/read  

Ilysm. Xx 


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