Chapter 15

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-Charlottes POV-

"See you soon, baby." The cold voice laughed bitterly.

My eyes flew open as I gasped for air. Glancing around, people stared at me. Confusion was written all over their faces. Peering on my right, I stared out of the winow of the plane. The clouds were bigs, and the small city was just below.

"In just 20 minutes we will arrive at the Chicago international airport. Please buckle up your seat belts, we are about to hit turbulence. Thank you." The lady in the speaker spoke.

I rubbed my eyes, holding in the tears that threatened to fall. Pulling myself together, I clutched on my backpack that had my laptop inside, which I havent used in over a week. My phone stayed broken, I left the pieces scattered all around my old bathroom floor.

The plane shook. I stared out the window, watching carefully as the plane descended down lower and lower to the ground. I crossed my arms, snuggling into my Ed Sheeran hoodie. My stomach did flips as we continued decreasing in height.

Thoughts raced rapidly in my head. My whole new life is just minutes ahead.


I successfully made my way through security, and I made my way to the baggage claim. I grabbed my bag, and I began my search for my Aunt Deborah.

"Charlotte!" A familiar female voice called out from behind me.

I turned around, facing my aunt I haven't seen in years. "Aunt Deborah!" I said and plastered a smile on my face.

She hugged me and said, "How are you, dear?"

"Fine, I guess..." I said.

"Aw, honey, everything will be okay. I promise." She lightly touched my arm. I gave her a small smile in response. "Look on the bright side! You get to finally meet my boyfriend!" She said with pure joy and elbowed my side.

I stifled a fake laugh and followed my aunt to the car, scared but excited of what my future holds.


We pull out of the airport and drive down the freeway. It really was a beautiful city. I looked at all the tall buildings and rushing traffic. We exited the freeway, and I took in my surroundings. A confused look etched on my face as I realized we were still in the city. I stayed silent, for I wasn't in the mood to talk to my aunt.

"Here we are!" My aunt says as we pull up to a small coffee shop.

"We live in a coffee shop?" I asked, confused.

"No, silly." Aunt Deborah says. She pointed her index finger above the tall coffee shop. "Those are small apartment complexes. See the one on the sixth floor and the flower pot on the balcony floor? That's our home." She said with a smile.

My mouth fell open in awe. "Wow," I said, completely speechless. I think I like this new home already.


I hauled my heavy suitcase in the front door of my new home. It was quite small, but Aunt Deborah kept it good shape. It was very modern very clean. "Follow me to your room," My aunt said as she set her keys on the kitchen counter. I followed her into a small white room with dark brown wooden floors. The roof was slanted and there was a small bed in the corner with white sheets. There was a small desk near the bed that looked old and dusty.

"I know it's not much of a great room, but ill try to scoop up some savings to help you fix the room." My aunt suggested, glaring at me. I glanced at her and then back at my new room. Biting my lip, I smiled. "Thank you, really means a lot." Turning around, my arms draped around her small figure. My aunt hugged back and she kissed me lightly on the forehead.

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