Chapter 10

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-Charlottes POV-

"I really enjoyed making the One Way or Another music video, mostly because it was all us. No management behind everything, we could just act like our goofy selves without being yelled at."

I stared at Harry as he talked about the band. It's not like I didn't mind, He seemed so into his career. I couldn't help but smile as he spoke...So sure of his words, and how dedicated he was.

He took a bite off his ice-cream cone; he stuck out his tongue, and bit into the cone. I couldn't help but giggle at the way he ate his food. I remember I saw a post on Tumblr of it, and it is true. He sticks out his tongue before he eats. Harry munched on his food, "What?"

I laughed. "Who am I?" I teased, biting into the cone, with my tongue sticking out. Harry laughed, his eyes sparkling under the street lamp. We were sat on a wooden bench beside a playground, peacefully eating our ice-cream. He playfully shoved my shoulder, "Hey!"

I shoved his shoulder back, accidentally making him drop his cone onto the dirty ground. "Aw, man! My ice cream fell," Harry said, a pout forming on his face.

A knot formed in my stomach, and my body washed over with guilt as I said, "Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I'm s-so sorry, I'm so stupid..." I was mentally hoping he wouldn't hurt me or get upset at me.

A look of concern washed over Harry's face. It immediately went away, and he replaced it with a smirk as he said, "Oh, its fine. I guess I'll have to eat yours instead..." He then snatched my ice cream from my hands and ran off in the other direction.

I gasped and yelled after him, "Hey! Get back here," I then burst out in a full on sprint. I may be short, but I sure as hell can run fast. We snaked in and out of trees as I attempted to catch up to him to snatch my ice cream cone back. Harry ran in the direction of the playground, and I quickly followed.

It was really dark, so it was hard to spot him. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find him. It suddenly hit me; I was alone in the park at night. Fear quickly filled over my whole body as I silently prayed nothing would happen to me.

-Harry's POV-

I quickly out ran Charlotte as I snaked in and out of trees, her ice cream cone firm in my hands. I let out a few giggles every now and then, letting my inner child take over my body. An idea suddenly sparked in my head, and I could almost hear the light bulb go DING.

I took off sprinting towards the play ground and I hid behind the big slide.

I could hear Charlotte slow down to a walk as she looked around the playground in an attempt to find me. I sucked in my breath as she neared my location. I could hear her shaky voice say, "H-H-Harry? Where are you? I give up, please come out wherever you are..." A smirk formed on my face as I creeped out from under the slide, approaching Charlotte from the back.

I leaned closer as I whispered, "Boo."

I laughed as Charlotte jumped almost ten feet in the air, but my smile quickly faded when she turned around, the color draining from her face.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she repeatedly said, "Please don't hurt me... Please don't hurt me..."

Her knees dropped to the ground, as she begged for me not to hurt her. I stared in disbelief as she whimpered softly.

Who or what traumatized her enough to make her react this way? I walked closer to her and crouched down.

I placed my hands on her trembling shoulders, "Charlotte, it's me, Harry. I would never hurt you. Please don't cry..." My fingers lifted up her chin. Her eyes were still tightly shut as tears slowly fell down her soft cheeks.

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