Chapter 19

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-Charlottes POV- 

Staring out the window, people quickly walked pass the diner, casually taking a look inside, then looking away. I swiped my arm in circles, cleaning table by table as my thoughts blocked out the sound of conversations from others. Looking at the window to my left I saw the road that led down to the train station.

This is it....

My legs wouldn't stop trembling, I felt as if I was going to fall off my skates. My brain was scattered with glimpses of how my aunt and Ashley would react. The pounding in my chest increased, as I felt my heart trying to escape.  

What if things do get better? What if?

Positive thoughts filled my mind, things might actually get better, I don't have to do this....

"Harry Styles." My eyes went wide as I heard his name coming from the television. Turning to look up at the corner of the wall where the small flat screen tv was prompted up against, I stared in awe as his face popped up in my screen. I bit my lips.

"Harry Styles has been seen dating a mysterious blonde..." My heart dropped then shattered as I saw a short paparazzi video of him and his 'girlfriend' holding hands while walking down the road. My breathe hitched as the video disappeared off the screen. Tears were on the verge of falling but I quickly shut my eyes to keep from crying. Turning away from the TV screen, I glanced at the clock. It was almost nine. I let out a breath I had been holding. A breath of relief. No more pain... No more heartbreak...

His name, his face..his voice came flooding back to me and I felt as if I had been slapped in the face and my heart trampled. I couldn't stop thinking about the way he would laugh. His eyes would be shut and he would cover his mouth quickly. His voice when he was tired... The way he treated me, making me feel like I was the only girl he had an eye out for.

I gritted my teeth, continuing to clean the tables with the dirty old rag. Bull-fucking-shit, I muttered under my breath. Suddenly becoming angry, I tossed the rag on the table, and stormed into the kitchen, taking the skates off. Checking the time once more, I had thirty minutes.

The video of them kept replaying through my mind... he was smiling. He was happy, he forgot about me.


The sun shined down on me, as I sat on the rusty bench. "I will never understand." I sighed into my headphones speakers.

"What?" Harry spoke. We were on the phone for five hours now, and I was still sitting on the bench.

"How all of this happened, I mean us.. But not really us.. because we're not anything but I mean you know how you and I...I.. Okay ill just shut up now." I blushed crimson even though he couldn't see me.

He chuckled, "Something about you, geez I don't know really." I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Why me?" I whispered into the speakers. Harry remained silent so I continued. "I mean, I don't know. I'm boring and you'll probably get tired of talking to me everyday and eventually not be there for me, but having you right now is all I really need.. I-I don't know." I looked down at my lap.

Harry sighed. "If you think I'll forget about you, don't. I would never. I'm busy at times yes, but it doesn't mean I forgot about you! And you're far from boring Charlotte. We've been on the phone for what? Oh god, about six hours!" I felt Harry smile through the last sentence. "My point is, if you think I would forget about you because you think you're boring, that's the least thing you should ever worry about."

--End Flashback--

Wiping the tears that managed to fall, I took off my apron and set it on the counter. The sound of sizzling filled my ears as well as conversation that went on throughout the kitchen. Plates were scraping against the counters, and the sound of the cooks flipping off the food onto the pans. I slipped on my flip flops i had brought. Walking over across the kitchen, I barged into the managers office.

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