Chapter 23

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2 Weeks Later

Harry's POV

"Thank you so much for having us! It's been a lovely tour!" I shouted into the microphone.

"It's been so much fun traveling around the world to see you guys, and thank you so much for coming out to see us!" Liam said.

"GOODNIGHT EVERYBODYYY" We screamed into the microphone and went off stage.

Still buzzing from the show I ran and jumped on to Niall's back. He wasn't expecting me, so I ended up tackling him to the ground.

We both bursted into to laughter and slowly got off of the floor, attempting to catch our breath.

"Man, I can't believe our second world tour is actually over. This is crazy!" Niall said, scratching the back of his head.

I patted his back and said, "Yep, and before you know it, we'll be on the road again soon!" I smiled as Niall walked away to join the rest of the boys.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call Ashley. I needed an update before I left and returned to Chicago.

My large hands dialled the familiar number and I placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Ashley said.

"Hey, Ashley!" I said back.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Anything new? How is she?" I asked,

I heard Ashley giggle as she replied, "Har-"

She was cut off by someone shouting something in the background. Butterflies filled my stomach as I recognized her voice. Charlotte's voice.

"No, it's not!" Ashley laughed in reply to whatever Charlotte had said. "SHUT UP CHARLOTTE!" She yelled back in a playful tone. I heard Charlotte's beautiful laugh in the background.

I couldn't help but feel upset that I wasn't the one being silly with Charlotte and making her laugh like I used to. I've missed her so much.

"Sorry, Charlotte was being a butthead." Ashley spoke as she entered a more quiet environment. "She thinks I'm talking to my 'boyfriend'," Ashley said in a sarcastic tone.

"Wait, so she has no idea that you're talking to me? Has she even asked about me?"

I heard Ashley sigh then she replied, "No, Harry, she doesn't know that I'm talking to you, and she hasn't really asked about you either. I wanted to wait until you came back here, so she would be able to remember you easier. The doctor said it'll be easier for her to remember you when she's face-to-face with you."

I hesitated. "Do you think she will remember me?"

"She may not at first, because it took her a while to remember me. But she has to. You've done so much for her, and you've made such a big impact in her life." Ashley said.

I nodded my head and said, "Thanks, Ashley. So, she's good? Does she remember... all the other terrible things she's gone through?"

"I don't think so, but she constantly asks about her cuts on her wrists. I catch her staring at them all the time. I try to drive her attention away from it because I don't want her to go back in that place again. She remembered what happened with her mother a few days ago, and she oddly took it well. I guess it just hasn't really hit her yet." She replied.

"Yeah, I understand..." I said. There were a few seconds of awkward silence until I said, "Well I should probably get going, I need to start packing for when I return to Chicago."

"When do you plan on coming back?"

"Hopefully, tonight."

Charlotte's POV

I stretched out on the couch in my Aunt Deborah's small living room in her-- I mean our apartment.

This is all so strange to me. It doesn't feel right. I need to be back home with my mother and Julia.

I stared out the large window and watched the city. I was still confused about almost everything and my head had only recently stopped pounding. I miss my mother more than anything. Everything that happened with her had come back to me in a flashback a few days ago. Ashley had told me that me and Julia weren't friends anymore but she wouldn't explain why. I now understand that I am in Chicago with my Aunt Deborah and Ashley and that I'm a high school drop out who works at a diner. But even after remembering all of this, I still feel like there's something huge missing in my life, and I can't put my finger on it.

Harry's POV

I stepped off the private plane at a small airport outside of Chicago, anxioius and a little nervous to see Charlotte. Ashley was going to pick me up and bring me to Charlotte's apartment. I was hoping there would be very little to no paparazzi considering no one knew what I was doing except for the boys and Ashley. But eventually the press will figure out where I am because there's no doubt fans will recognize me.

I met up with Ashley and greeted her with a small hug. We walked to baggage claim and I picked up my suitcase. I handed it to the security guard and told him to take it to the hotel. I planned to stay at the hotel closest to Charlotte's apartment.

"Have you mentioned anything to Charlotte about me coming?" I asked Ashley once we climbed into the taxi going to Charlotte's apartment. The nerves began to kick in, and my hands started to become sweaty.

Ashley slowly shook her head and stated, "But I'm almost positive she'll remember you. She's been talking about how she feels like there's a huge chunk missing in her life, and she says she can't place it, but I know for a fact it's you. Once she sees you, everything will make sense to her."

I looked down at my lap and smiled, the nerves all of the sudden vanishing. I felt excited and happy to finally see Charlotte conscious and full of life.

The taxi came to a stop and I looked out the window.

"But this is a coffee shop... Didn't you say we were going to see Charlotte?" I asked, suddenly annoyed. I had no time to stop for a hot drink.

Ashley giggled and said, "Just follow me."

I rolled my eyes and got out of the taxi, pulling the hood of my jacket over my head. I payed the taxi fare (?) and followed Ashley to the small coffee shop. The shop wasn't very busy, considering it was in the middle of the day, and people were at work. I followed Ashley to a small door, hidden in the back of the shop. She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door that led to a flight of stairs. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but I followed Ashley up the stairs in silence. Once we reached the top, there was a hallway with a few doors on either wall.

"This is where she lives?" I asked.

"Yep! And myself. I live right across the hall." Ashley replied as she walked down the hall, leading me to Charlotte's front door.

My stomach filled with butterflies as I let out a breath I had been holding. Why am I so damn nervous?

"Relax. She'll remember," Ashley reassured me.

I nodded as Ashley lifted the welcome mat and grabbed the single key that was hidden underneath. She slid the key in the lock and twisted it, opening the only thing separating myself from Charlotte.

I followed Ashley inside the little apartment, my stomach doing flips.

"Charlotte? Are you in here?" Ashley called.

"Yeah I'm in the living room!" Charlotted yelled back. My breath hitched at the sound of her voice. I haven't heard it in what seemed like forever.

"You have a visitor!" Ashley said as she walked into the small living room. I stayed behind in the small entry way.

"WHAT?! Are they here now?" Charlotte said somewhat frantically.

"Yes HE is," Ashley said, emphasizing the word "he".

"HE!? Why didn't you tell me beforehand, asshole! I look like complete shit," Charlotte replied.

"Oh, shut up, you look fine. Harry come in here!" Ashley called.

My heartbeat quickened as I slowly made my way around the corner. The living room was quite small; it only consisted of a TV and a couch. Ashley was standing between the TV and the couch, where Charlotte laid. Her small figure was completely covered by the large blanket, except from her nose up. I looked into her beautiful golden brown eyes, and I watched as her eyebrows slowly came together, as if she was confused. Oh, no.....

"Hey, Charlotte," I said quite awkwardly as I made my way towards the couch.

"Um... H-hi..." She stammered, slowly removing the blanket from her face.

"So, um..... I'm just gonna go now...." Ashley said awkwardly, causing Charlotte to break our eye contact.

After Ashley left, Charlotte looked back at me, and scanned over my whole body. She remained silent.

"Please tell me you remember me......" I croaked.

Charlotte continued to look me up and down. She opened her mouth like she was about to say something, than quickly shut it. Silence.

"Dammit, Charlotte!" I shouted. I ran my fingers through my hair and said, "You don't remember me? Even after all we've been through?"

"DO YOU THINK THIS IS EASY FOR ME?!" Charlotte yelled at me, now sitting up straight. "Everything... Everything is such a blurr to me." Her eyes filled with tears. "The only fucking thing I know, is that I have a dead mother, and a best friend that I used to work with at... at..." She squeezed her eyes shut as if trying to remember. "GOSH DAMMIT!" She screamed and threw her pillow across the room. Putting her head in her arms.

I sat down next her on the couch. She slowly raised her head and looked at me. I placed my hand on her knee and said, "I know it's hard, Charlotte, I know. But please just try to remember. The flowers I bought you? Our skype calls? The park? The concert? The airport?" I paused. "Our kiss?"

Charlotte's shocked face looked at me and slowly shook her head. "I can't remember anything. I only remember Ashley and my mother." She said. "I don't know why I have these," she said, pointing at the scars on her wrist, "I don't know why I'm in this fucking apartment..." She trailed off, staring at her wrists.

I studied her face, when an idea popped into my head. "Well, maybe this will help you remember," I said as I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers.

Charlotte immediately pulled away and forcefully slapped my cheek. I placed my hand on my cheek, the throbbing pain making my eyes water.

"Get out. Now." Charlotte demanded, her voice a lot lower and full of anger.

A sharp pain filled my chest as I got up from the couch. I slowly walked towards the door, and once I reached the door knob, I turned around and said, "I really am sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. But please, just try to remember." l left her apartment, feeling numb and heartbroken.


Walking into the bar, I sat down on the stool ignoring the stares that people gave me. Not many people recognized me anyways, considering they were drunk. Ordering a couple of beers, the time drifted away as my vision began getting blurry.


"Wooooooooo!" I obnoxiously cheered at the last karaoke singer, excited for the next performer.

I ordered one more beer, that would make three.... Maybe four? I don't remember. I cheered as the next person approached the karaoke machine, awaiting the next song. The song began, and my full attention was immediately focused on the stage, as the first few lines were sung.

"When she was just a girl,
She expected the world.
But it flew away from her reach,
So she ran away in her sleep.
And dreamed of para, para, paradise."

And in that moment, i knew how to get my Charlotte back.

Charlotte's POV

I slowly flipped through the channels, attempting to find something to watch on television. I landed on the show Full House. Ashley told me I loved this show, so I might as well watch it. I glanced at the clock on the mantle: 12:30am. The doctor continuously tells me that I need rest to fully recover, but how the hell does he expect me to rest when I cant even remember the majority of my life??

I began to chew on my nails, a bad habit I've developed over the past few weeks. My mind went back to Harry, guilt immediately filling my stomach. I regretted slapping Harry and being so rude to him, but the way he flung himself at me scared me. I remembered the hurt in his eyes after i violently rejected his kiss. My mind wondered to his deep, accented voice. He had a British accent, which confused me even more. How on earth do I know a British guy?? I squeezed my eyes shut as a tear slowly made its way down my cheek. Dammit Charlotte! Why can't you remember him???

I rested my throbbing head back on my pillow and blankly watched the television screen.

I was slowly drifting off to sleep when I heard knocking coming from the front door. I glaced at the clock: 2:17am. Who the hell wants to see me at 2 in the morning?? I ignored the knocking... Maybe they'll go away? The knocks continued as I heard a voice.

"Charlotte... Please... It's Harry..." My eyebrows knit together in confusion. I threw my blanket off of me as I made my way to the door, not even bothering to check my reflection. I walked to the door and swung it open, revealing an intoxicated Harry.

"Harry, what the he-" I began to say, but he cut me off.

"Hear me out, Charlotte. I know you don't remember me, and I'm not sure if you even want to. But please, just hear me out." He slurred, not breaking eye contact.

I slowly nodded, preparing myself for what he was about to say. I was surprised when he didn't open his mouth to speak, but to sing.

"When she was just a girl,
She expected the world.
But it flew away from her reach,
So she ran away in her sleep.
And dreamed of para, para, paradise
Para, para, paradise
Para, para, paradise,
Every time she closed her eyes...."

Harry's POV

I stopped singing and looked deeper in her eyes, praying for some sort of reaction. Damn, she's beautiful.

Her eyes blankly stared into mine, searching my face and body for recognition. Her eyes then widened and filled with tears. She slowly backed away into the apartment, mumbling things I didn't understand.

"Oh my god.... Oh my god...." She repeated, running her hands through her hair and tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her watery eyes looked into mine and said, "Oh my god, Harry, it's you. I remember. It's really you! I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" She crashed her body into mine and wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her neck, burying my face in the crook of her neck. Damn, I've missed this. I breathed in her natural vanilla/coconut smell, and i hugged her as she cried.

"Shhh, it's okay... Baby it's okay..." I slurred.

I pulled away and clumsily wiped her tears away with my thumb. She giggled as she said "You're drunk, aren't you?"

I let out a giggle and nodded my head. She grabbed my hand and led me to the living area, sitting me on the couch. I laid my head down in her lap, her hands gently playing with my hair. My eyes slowly began to close until darkness overcame me.

Charlotte's POV

I continued to play with Harry's hair as he quickly dozed off to sleep.

I smiled as I remembered meeting him and the rest of the band at the airport. I remember them following me on twitter. I remember going with Harry to some concert. I remember getting ice cream and running through the park. I remembered him leaving... Was that why I have so many scars on my wrist? Did he break my heart? But I also remembered our Skype calls that lasted until the wee hours of the morning, and how happy I was. I let out a sigh and slowly slid out of Harry's grasp. I hope Aunt Deborah doesn't mind him staying the night here. I walked into my small bedroom and laid down on my bed, pulling the soft covers over me. I remembered seeing Harry on the television for being with some girl... And I remembered being upset. Why was I upset? We must of been together.... I remembered seeing him at the diner in Chicago, but thats the last thing i remembered.

I rolled over in frustration. I wish I could remember what happened to me. Everyone refuses to tell me. Was it really that bad? I shook my head, saving these thoughts for another night. I'll worry about it tomorrow. I closed my eyes and hoped to fall asleep soon...


I woke up the next morning in a daze. I glanced at my digital clock and saw that it read 12:30pm. I slowly sat up and stretched, letting out a yawn.

I looked around and realized i was on my bed. Wasn't I on the couch? I cursed under my breath as I suddenly remembered Harry staying here.

I quickly got up from my bed checked my reflection in the mirror. My hair was in a messy ponytail and wearing sweatpants and an old tshirt i assumed was my mothers. I missed her so much. I slowly backed away not caring much about my appearance.

I walked in the living room to see Harry still passed out on the couch. I suddenly became confused and wondered into the kitchen, in search of Aunt Deborah. She usually doesn't work on Fridays, and I wondered where she was. I saw a note on the refridgerator door that read, "I was called to go to work to fill in for someone, I should be back by 5:30pm. Make sure to give Harry lots of water and food, I could smell the alcohol from the bedroom ;) i left some money for you on the counter, since you probably don't remember how to cook. Use it for food and emergancies only. I trust Harry to look after you. love ya!"

I smiled at the note Aunt Deborah left, and walked to the counter to pick up the $100 she left behind. I grabbed the money, and put it in my purse. I picked up the home phone and ordered us some pizza.

I sat on the floor in front of couch and admired Harry. I had a flashback to the nights Harry would fall asleep on Skype, looking the exact same as he does now. I smiled as he let out a small snore, signifying he was still fast asleep.


"Wow, that was good. Hit the spot!" Harry exclaimed, rubbing his stomach. He basically ate the entire pizza, considering the fact I was still eating my second piece.

I placed the rest of my slice on the cardboard and said, "Meee too!"

We ate the pizza on the floor in front of the television. I scooted over and sat next to Harry, who was leaning up against the couch. "Sooo what have you been up to?" I asked, quite awkwardly.

Harry flashed me his killer smile and said, "Well, we just wrapped up the American leg of tour."

Wait what? "Tour?"

Harry crossed his eyebrows and said "Uh... Yeah... I'm kind of in this band? One Direction?"

"Oh..." was all I managed to say... Band? He was in a band? One direction? Oh! That's right! He was! "OHHH!" I repeated, letting him know I remembered. Harry chuckled and looked at his fidgeting hands. Something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He remained silent. He looked at me and back down to his hands. He was nervous.

I placed my hand on his fidgeting ones and said, "Hey..." I looked him in the eyes and scanned them for answers.

He remained silent, and licked his lips. He slowly and awkwardly leaned in, my breath catching in my throat. I knew what he was doing.

"Charlotte," Harry whispered. "I really.... really like you." He leaned a little closer.

I was frozen.

Our noses brushed, my breath hitched again.

His lips lightly brushed against mine, and I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

I slowly nodded my head as I closed the gap between us. Our lips moved with each other and his hand made its way to my lower back, the other lightly placed on my cheek. I breathlessly pulled away and looked at a smiling Harry.

"I've missed you," he said.

I rest my head on his shoulder and replied, "I've missed you too."


-Harrys POV-

Charlotte took deep breaths, her small fragile boy lying on top of mine. My hand formed small circles on her back, as her head laid on the crook of my neck.

"Harry..wh-what happened with me? Why did I try t-t-to commit?" She hardly spoke up. My hand stroked her head softly. I sighed, unsure on how to tell her about everything.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I questioned. We stayed silent for a moment. I felt her heart beating fast, "Yeah."

I began explaining what she had told me on the bridge, leaving out as much details as possible when she had jumped. "Uhh, and someone.. someone saved you."

She hesitated. "What do you mean, they saved... me? Was it you?" I squeezed my eyes shut not sure on how to tell her. "N-no... I didn't. He jumped in front of the train that was coming when they saw you fall. They pushed you off the railroad tracks, and instead of you... It was him who got run over." I felt the need to throw up as I finished the sentence. Instead of a response, I just felt tears staining my shirt, and heard small gasps of air.

My hands ran down her back, trying to find a way to comfort her. "Shh..there..there.." There was nothing else I could say.

"W-why would someone do that? They don't even know me or w-what happened... Why would they die for me? I don't deserve this... I should have died right the-"

"Stop, Charlotte! Do you realize what you're saying?" I interrupted. "There's a reason you're still here, I'm sure of it. You survived all the shit you've been put through, and you survived your OWN attempt on your life! You deserve to be here, Charlotte, you have a purpose here. You have so many people that love you and care for you. You have so many reasons to stay strong. These," I lifted her wrist and pointed to the scars, "Tell a story. They remind you of how far you've come, and they're here to remind you to never go to that dark place again. They're here to show you that you have so many people you can talk to if you're ever struggling. Talk to me, Charlotte. Don't you ever think for one second that you're worthless or not good enough. You're everything to me and I want you to know that. I-if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here, right now. You wouldn't be in my arms. I wouldn't be able to hold you... And I wouldn't be able to do this..." I gently grabbed her face in my hands and pressed my lips on hers, making the kiss as passionate as possible. I used my thumb to wipe away the tears falling down her face, our lips still connected. I pulled away, my eyes watering, tears threatening to spill. "I know this may seem kind of fast, and you still may not fully remember me, or maybe you don't feel the same. But I want you to know that I love you, Charlotte. I've realized over these past few months that you mean the world to me, and I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you. I really do."

Charlotte let out a small sob and smiled. "I love you, too, Harry."



Charlotte and Harry live happily ever after :))))

WE ARE SO SORRY WE TOOK SO LONG summer got away from us and we were just so out of it.

I worked realllyy hard on this chapter I hope you like it :/

Thank you for reading, we never thought we'd get so many reads. We love youuuuu <33


This ending was unexpected and i'm sorry but its time it ended and i'm surprised people liked it. (ू•ᴗ•ू❁) i love you guys

- nicole @sempiternicole

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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